See Futurama already explored this problem with Bender. As a robot, he can’t taste food, but he learned the secret to Ultimate Flavor. It’s hallucinogenics. Coca-Cola co. forgot to drop acid into their AI-generated soda. And I’m not talking about the kind that strips rust off of bumpers. Coke has enough of that in it already.
I enjoyed the episode, but hoo boy lsd would not act as a flavour enhancer, take hours to kick in, and probably make a good chunk of people feel nauseous.
See Futurama already explored this problem with Bender. As a robot, he can’t taste food, but he learned the secret to Ultimate Flavor. It’s hallucinogenics. Coca-Cola co. forgot to drop acid into their AI-generated soda. And I’m not talking about the kind that strips rust off of bumpers. Coke has enough of that in it already.
I enjoyed the episode, but hoo boy lsd would not act as a flavour enhancer, take hours to kick in, and probably make a good chunk of people feel nauseous.