I’m a Canadian immigrant to the UK, from December 1st this year, all Residency proof documents are formed forced digital. As I’m Canadian I can just scan my passport and get in, no visa required. If border control pulls me aside and demands my proof of residency, and I can’t access the internet, I may be stuck in a small room for hours or days, or ejected from the country. So that’s gonna be fun.
As long as the UK one is blue.
I’m a Canadian immigrant to the UK, from December 1st this year, all Residency proof documents are
formedforced digital. As I’m Canadian I can just scan my passport and get in, no visa required. If border control pulls me aside and demands my proof of residency, and I can’t access the internet, I may be stuck in a small room for hours or days, or ejected from the country. So that’s gonna be fun.