“The U.S. is more problematic because it is harder hit by a range of issues that kill people even before they hit old age, including drug overdoses, shootings, obesity and inequities that make it hard for some people to get sufficient medical care.”
“The U.S. is more problematic because it is harder hit by a range of issues that kill people even before they hit old age, including drug overdoses, shootings, obesity and inequities that make it hard for some people to get sufficient medical care.”
That’s alright, so long as quality of life in later years improves.
As the population in Western countries age without younger people to replace it, and take care of the elderly, I’m going to guess the opposite will happen.
They’ll just import people in from around the world to replace lagging birthrate.
Overall birthrate is expected to peak around 2080 so there’s still plenty of time to shuffle people around!
In Canada we used to have a serious immigration policy that was part of the Canadian identity, and now we’re literally flooding the country with people almost exclusively from 1-2 countries with no qualifications required.
The workforce collectively lost significant bargaining leverage as millions of desperate people continue to saturate job markets and suppress wages.
Plenty of jobsites have no oversight regarding certification, so even educated people lose out because it’s cheaper to train a desperate person on the job and pay them next to nothing/under the table instead of hiring an educated workforce with labor rights and who expect a wage that reflects their abilities.
For what it’s worth, I know plenty of educated people who are awful at their jobs too. This isn’t anti-immigration, it’s acknowledgement that immigration is being used to suppress everyone’s wages to the exclusive benefit of employers.
So even if all the Western countries get border walls with 100% coverage and catch rates, western governments everywhere will happily throw open the gates for cheap labour regardless of public opinion
This doesn’t sound real to me.
I didn’t realize I was going back in time. What year is it? I’d like to make a few investments.
Anti-immigration is always protectionism, and hinges on the fact that people tend to like people they know more than people they don’t.
I think as long as we continue to develop newer and better medicinal techniques, we’ll reach the point where we can keep our bodies together long enough to enjoy old age as much as we do middle age.
I see a lot of really cool medical advancements on the horizon from regrowing natural teeth all the way to literal “reverse aging” of brain cells, none of which are going to grant us immortality or multi-century lifespans, but will probably make it so that we can go into the twilight years with less pain and more cognitive function than our ancestors who had to endure the agony without being able to die in dignity.