Will they follow the logic of the movies and make the second one an action game?
I never finished it because the alien would teleport too much. I need to install the larger leash mod and give it another go. It’s also sooo long for such a tense game. I loved everything about it and I’m upset I haven’t finished it lol.
On my 4th playthrough right now actually. Can’t wait for this sequel!
Does it have to be a sequel to Isolation?
Can it not just be another self-contained story in the universe?
I love the game, but it doesn’t really need a true sequel.
Honestly, I’d love to see games set in the Alien universe that have absolutely nothing to do with the aliens. The whole design concept for the original movie was “truckers in space”. So where’s my space trucking game?
We have a space trucking movie that stars Dennis Hopper. A game based on that would be cool. It’s on Amazon right now: https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.6ebbc276-82e4-3c31-6487-f22fecbae183&ref_=atv_dp_share_mv&r=web
Bought this on my iPad Pro and it runs so beautifully. Now wherever I am I can put headphones on and be scared shitless.
Anyone else get motion sickness playing this? Not sure why. It’s the only game that gives me motion sickness, not even playing it on the VR .
Isolation lasted 30 hours too long, I won’t hold my breath