What the fuck
I hate it here
Yeah, I’d like to get off the wild ride now, please… I ran out the last semblence of patriotism back when we kept sending weapons to Israel so they could genocide hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
And now we’re doing this shit before an election where a demented, old, evil man wants to turn all this shit up to eleven?
Great. Okay. Fuck this.
Fucking knew it was about oil.
Goddamn, Biden’s worldview is so very obviously ossified.
For the boomers (and older) in the back: this shit is a big part of why younger generations don’t want you in charge anymore.
I fucking hate Biden, man… I voted for him, and I would have done it again to keep the hate-filled dementia patient out of office… But fuck this guy, man.
It’s Isreal being a dick again so I want to be critical but I get all fuzzy inside when they start talking about bombing oil infrastructure.
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