I remember fondly the days of playing Heroes of Might and Magic II, never played HOMM3 or anything after, but as I looked at the latest and most “recent” heroes games… they’re all rated/reviewed SO harshly. Apparently, they never gained steam like the earlier titles. RTS seems to have the same issue, tapering off. Starcraft is basically dried up and dead, and we never got another Warcraft unfortunately. Even WC3 Reforged was a total flop/disaster, people were hoping one day to get Warcraft 4. Would’ve been nice, honestly… But it never happened. as of today, I can’t find a single RTS or RPG I actually enjoy that isn’t some old ‘classic’.
What happened to these genres?
Turn based RPGs ain’t doing that bad. I mean, BG3 was the hype in the last year or so…
To be fair, BG3 is one of the most remarkable games I have ever played. Like ever. I have struggled to find other games like that which I really enjoy. Divinity original sin 2 I haven’t tried yet but I’m tempted to. Just really struggling to find stuff that’s decent and enjoyable I guess
The graphics are much simpler than BG3, but Owlcat has done some fantastic work with their Pathfinder games.
Wrath of the Righteous is much more polished and expanded than Kingmaker, but they’re both great. They both have the option to play in turn-based like BG3, or real time with pause like the old BG games.
I’ve heard a lot of concerning things about Pathfinder being way, WAY more complex and challenging than BG3, like absurdly, crazy complex combat and game systems that I’d probably struggle with and bar me from getting really into their game.
That’s a fair assessment. There are a ridiculous number of classes and subclasses each with their own quirks. And that’s without getting into multiclassing or Wrath’s mythic path system. I’ve definitely spent 20+ minutes leveling up before.
Do you like JRPGs? Yakuza: Like a Dragon is fairly recent and has a sequel (that I haven’t gotten to play yet). The story is NOT your typical RPG fare, it’s a modern drama about an ex-gangster trying to get back on his feet after prison (it gets emotional, I cried). But the combat is a classic turn-based RPG and it’s fun, stylish, and just barely complex enough to stay engaging.
That’s what the difficulty settings are for. No joke. Nearly any trash build can cruise through the easy difficulties with no more than a basic understanding of how turn based combat operates, and you’ll need to be a sweatlord with three spreadsheets open to reliably pose a threat to the hardest difficulty. Personally, I like to play in the middle but still overoptimize my party, so the early game is a challenge and then I just completely steamroll the final third of the game once we really get cooking with mythic levels.
If you already know DnD then you can play pathfinder with minimal confusion. An hour’s worth of reading a couple good build guides will give you a good idea where the differences lie and why certain choices are commonly made (Point-Blank/Precise Shot feats for instance). If you don’t already know DnD and you’re coming from something like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity Original Sin, you might have a little bit of a rough landing. But that’s what a wiki is for, or just straight up following a build guide if you’re timid.
Wrath of the Righteous is hands down a better game than Baldur’s Gate 3 in every observable metric except for graphics and I will gladly die on this hill.
Much as I love WOTR, hard disagree there. BG 3 is much better in terms of reactivity and consequences, polish, and all of its mechanics work properly. Meanwhile WOTR has the stumps that are 50% of its mythic paths, the not particularly well received crusade mode, and one of the worst dungeons I can remember in rpg history (I will freely admit that this last point is not as objective as the rest of my argument, but I know I am far from alone with this opinion).
I’m playing D:OS2 now, and it’s most of the way to BG3. I’d also highly recommend the Wasteland games.
Do yourself a favor and play planescape torment and then disco elysium
I guess you’re just playing the wrong ones, really. The Age of Empires games (specifically 2 remake) have been celebrating a decent comeback and AoE4 was released to critical acclaim. Of course Blizzard won’t release anything worth your time anymore, but not everyone is Blizzard. As for turn based RPGs: They’re more popular than ever and I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about. Turn based JRPGs are hugely popular and even CRPGs can be hugely popular if done right.
The unanimous game of the year last year is a turn-based RPG, and I can promise you Metaphor: ReFantazio this year will do well critically and commercially, just like Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth did earlier this year. There are plenty of turn-based RPGs to go around. If you meant turn-based tactics or strategy, same thing; plenty of those to go around as well.
RTS sort of peaked with StarCraft II, at least in terms of popularity, but you find some here and there. Battle Aces and Stormgate are both from ex-Blizzard devs chasing that high, and both are live service, so those two will soon be dead, but there are others out there that are less popular that come out from time to time.
For C&C fans, Tempest Rising is C&C in all but name. The most recent playtest felt like a hybrid of Tiberian Sun and Tiberium Wars. It’s not out yet, but I’m very excited about it.
Battle Aces and Stormgate are both from ex-Blizzard devs chasing that high, and both are live service, so those two will soon be dead
The curse 🥲
Baldurs Gate III?
Also I don’t play RPG usually. But I really like this one. Arco have RPG and Turn Based Element. You should try it.
Bg3 was turned based.
I looked at the latest and most “recent” heroes games… they’re all rated/reviewed SO harshly.
Many of the negative reviews are (and rightly so) because of Ubisoft forcing you to use their crappy launcher, adding DRM, and otherwise making the customer experience horrible, and not because there is anything wrong with the genre.
As far as I have heard, 5th game is the last good one. Personally, I haven’t really played it ever, I am mostly just playing HOMM3 and 4.
Alive and well in the indie scene. HoMM specifically has two spiritual successors I’m keeping an eye on in Hero’s Hour (fun and absurd, but doesn’t work on linux), and Songs of Conquest (haven’t played it yet, looks very promising).
They’re just not as popular as they used to be, and there are so many players on console nowadays. I can’t imagine playing an RTS with a controller.
Age of Empires seems to be doing really well though. The first 3 games got great remasters, and AoE 4 is well received from what I understand.
Many fans of RTS and Halo swear on Halo Wars when it comes to RTS on a console. Apparently, they really figured out how to do it right, but I haven’t played it myself.
Sea of Stars is a turn based RPG that came out
thislast year. It is a modern homage to Chrono Trigger and it is great. Highly rec.That actually came out last year.
Ahh, time is collapsing on me. My bad.
If you don’t mind gacha games, I’ve been enjoying Honkai: Star Rail. The battles are turn based, some of the puzzles and events are a bit reaction time dependent, but not difficult generally.
Check out some trailers for Falling Frontier, it looks like it has a lot of potential at least.
Also, Star Sector: https://fractalsoftworks.com
Warcraft II!!
An RTS yes, but not turn based. In fact I bet we don’t fine any turn based real time strategies.
How would you categorize one of my all time other favorites, KOTOR?
KOTOR was literally epic, same with WC2… I haven’t found many like that these days unfortunately.
HoMM is a turn-based strategy game, not RPG (with the notable exception of HoMM IV where you had real hero development). That said, there was a genre of RPG’s, which used to be very popular in the 80s and 90s, and which all but disappeared. Those were party-based first-person RPG’s with turn based (or close to it) combat. Popularized by Wizardry, and followed by Might and Magic, they inspired other series like the Ishar Trilogy. Other games employed real-time combat, but slow enough or pausable, to mimic turn-based. Popular series were Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore, Dungeon Master, and others. Nowadays, I occasionally see one of these games from independent projects, but it seems that the golden age of this sub-genre has passed.
Isn’t Steam literally having a turn-based sale right now?
Anyways, I think turn-based games are less fun and more tedious. Except Field Commander on PSP. That was a lot of fun.
Yeah, a turn based RPG sale. I browsed through it, didn’t find a single thing it felt like I’d actually enjoy since I already have BG3 and Wasteland 2