Coffee / energy drink drinkers sound like drug addicts
That’s because they are. It’s just a socially acceptable drug addiction.
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Is it fair to say that no one is without some sort of addiction?
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Tweak off the weak!
It boosts our economy…
I’ll never understand caffeine addicts. It’s such a boring drug to get hooked on. How do people find it pleasurable? It does nothing but slightly increase your concentration at most. You don’t even get a dopamine hit.
I’m in the Top 10% of players in my league, but I’ll never be in the Top 1%.
Why? Because everyone there is either cheating or on something.
Caffeine is legal and not banned by most sporting jurisdictions, so if that’s the only thing you can take to enhance performance – you take it.
With a caffeine addiction, I can skirt Top 6% and lie to myself that I deserve that position.
You sound like you think coffee drinkers are trying to get high by drinking coffee.
Well they sure act like it gets them high, especially when people say that they literally cannot function without caffeine. Sure sounds like drug addiction to me.
Fun fact, caffeine has a half life of 3-7 hrs, after that the positive effects fade and you are left with all the negative(jitters, dehydration, fatigue, depression…) but it will be an average of 5 hrs. so to alleviate this you should only drink half the caffeine you would normally consume in the morning and half about 3-5 hours into your shift, or Probably far less than that given how much caffeine people drink to avoid the above mentioned symptoms, also drinking plenty of water and try magnesium and exercise too ensure the caffeine moves out of your body before the symptoms kick in, or consider switching to a natural alternative like cocaine(That last bit was a joke don’t sue me)
The hack for this is to get cold brew (more caffeinated and tastes good cold) and sip it slowly throughout the day alongside water.
This is how I avoid a crash when I do drink coffee. The negative side effects of caffeine make me want to end it all though so I tend to avoid drinking it with any regularity these days.
I do caffeine and antidepressants. Are you saying if I quit caffeine I might be able to remove the antidepressants?
That’s certainly a possibility, but I’m no psychiatrist. If the coffee started before the antidepressants then I would say it’s worth a try at the very least.
For me it’s less depression and more intense anxiety that can lead to depression. People look at me like I’m crazy when I bring it up though so maybe it’s just me.
caffeine is a drug what you expect? heh
i’ve mostly given up on expecting/trying to make coffee taste good. at this point i just eat the roasted beans and carry on with my day. it’s also more efficient since you lose a fair amount of caffeine through the brewing process. at this point i only have like 8-15 beans a day.
i still go to a cafe from time to time if i want a nice cappuccino or something, but i don’t bother with any of it at home.
edit: i should mention that roasted coffee beans can taste pretty good if they’re been roasted properly (and even better if eaten within a week of roasting). and you can get a pretty decent bean roaster for like 200$, and then after that a 3 lb. bag of unroasted beans costs like 30$. the 200$ upfront charge is pretty expensive, but it ends up paying for itself pretty quickly since you save an insane amount of money from buying unroasted coffee beans. when eating the roasted beans, a 3 lb. bag can last about 6 months to a year. so thats about 30$ to 60$ a year spent on coffee. even when i was brewing coffee, i found that the roaster paid for itself in about 6 months. not to mention that it’s not that hard to learn how to roast coffee beans, and everything tastes much better when using freshly roasted beans.
I would, if I had the counter top space. The air fryer/microwave/keurig/utensil countertop situation is too real.
caffeine comes in capsule format too btw. drink what you like and toss a cap down with it. instant 200mg shot