It looks like a Muppet.
i was gonna say this is a rejected muppet idea
Meet the Feebles.
I’m sure Nintendo/Gamefreak are going to file an infringement case against them.
This planet is so beautiful and wonderful. And underneath its waters is an entirely different world, full of wild and majestic creatures just like the Tasselled Wobbegong here. I pray that we act quick enough on our climate initiatives to save these things for the future.
there’s a whole order of carpet sharks. orectolobiformes
I keep reading it as woebegone.
I kept reading “tessellated”
That’s a goosefish.
Yer a goosefish!
What is everyone on about puppets? This looks like something out of neverending story. Turn around, look at what you see.
You mean one of the puppets from the Neverending story?
No, the horse.
Best play set ever.
But do you think it has cute babies?
Unless it sings a happy song teaching me letters or numbers, I’m out.
I want one! What kinda food do I get? 🥰