And some poor minimum wage worker is going to have to clean it up because that asshole is probably going to book it. Have worked at too many jobs like that to know the kind of assholes that do shit like this.
There’s a chance that it previously was filled with water so they have an idea. Looks crazy heavy tho. Probably a 75L tank and most can’t support 75kg of weight like that.
They have no idea how heavy that will be once full.
Imagine that entire tank falling to the ground and shattering. That floor is going to be sticky forever.
And some poor minimum wage worker is going to have to clean it up because that asshole is probably going to book it. Have worked at too many jobs like that to know the kind of assholes that do shit like this.
There’s a chance that it previously was filled with water so they have an idea. Looks crazy heavy tho. Probably a 75L tank and most can’t support 75kg of weight like that.
Not to mention the fact that it’s going to melt and just basically be Kool Aid pretty much instantly without any insulation.