I used to immerse myself in the depths of the burning eye in the sky all the time as a kid. Stared for minutes on end. May have some permanent eye damage, but I also used to press fingers into my eyeballs at night to see the blobiverse, and gazed into the perfect red of my laser pointers. I was a dumb kid. Still am at 35. Though my hearing is perfect.
I used to immerse myself in the depths of the burning eye in the sky all the time as a kid. Stared for minutes on end. May have some permanent eye damage, but I also used to press fingers into my eyeballs at night to see the blobiverse, and gazed into the perfect red of my laser pointers. I was a dumb kid. Still am at 35. Though my hearing is perfect.
Haha I also enjoyed staring into blobiverse. Oi also loved the smell of car exhaust