Hi. In today’s episode, we look at Planned Obsolescence, the resulting mountains of e-waste, and why companies don’t want you to be able to fix their crummy products.
If you expect Cody to be nice to Apple, you will be very disappointed.
Hi. In today’s episode, we look at Planned Obsolescence, the resulting mountains of e-waste, and why companies don’t want you to be able to fix their crummy products.
If you expect Cody to be nice to Apple, you will be very disappointed.
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I notice you’ve dropped your original complains and moved on to completely different talking points. Was the goalpost heavy when you moved it?
Insult? I was a little hostile because you’re talking about something you obviously don’t have a firm grasp on. But I never insulted you.
Can’t same the same about you though…
Opinion? Those were facts friend. Unless you can tell me where I was wrong?
Yes, a well known tactic that should be illegal. And oddly the only real issue in your comments.
Hardware? Software?
The only hardware standard they had in place that actually affected anything like cross device support would be the lightning cable. Unless you’re talking about the fact that you can’t put an iPhone mainboard into an android phone?… which would make no sense.
Software makes just about as much sense though, since you’ve always needed to rewrite (or at the very least recompile) code between architectures.
What does this even mean? Are you mad you can’t use the Phone app from your iPhone, on an android?
Or are you talking about the fact that iMessage is locked into the Apple ecosystem, which is a legitimate complaint but not at all what you said.
My entire point was, if you’re going to try to call out a company, list real issues. The only thing in all your complaining that is an actual problem is the fact that they have hardware pairing, and potentially that they explicitly lock out users from iMessage without an Apple device. Though that last one was me being generous with my interpretation of what you said.
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Name an OS this is not true of.
The alternative being the phones literally turning off and not turning on because the batteries could not support the device at full power.
The problem with this wasn’t the actual slowing down of phones, it was that this was a stealth update that was neither optional, nor was the user informed.
They are actually fairly easily replaced. I assume you mean “easily removable without tools” to which I’d point out that while I agree it’s kinda shit, it’s also pretty unnecessary. If you want more battery power, bring a battery bank.
While I can agree that this is an issue of repairability, this also how 99% of the market works.
One of the main arguments that makes sense to go against lightning. And while I am happy, for the most part, that usb c is coming, there are many points you’re ignoring with that selective quote.
Main one being that Apple footed the bill to develop lightning, which again is a much better connector than what was available prior to usb c coming to market.
That said, they really should have phased it out in favor of usb c.
I don’t see a problem with this. Where else do you want it?
This is not true. Hell, you can uninstall Apple Maps.
I’m well aware of Louis, and the right to repair movement. I also agree with the vast majority of legitimate issues with Apple.
I keep telling you that my issue is you talking about non-issues. I’ve never claimed Apple is good.
This is a decent complaint. I wasn’t aware of this actually, and the fact that Mac supports (or did at one time) it for Netflix and nothing else is telling.
Isn’t this normal for the industry?
How exactly does one charge themselves a 30% tax?
“Apple, you owe Apple 1 kajillion dollars.”
“Oh okay, here’s a check from Apples bank account. Be sure to cash it into Apples bank account!”
Yes, well aware. Did you know you can install MacOS on a windows PC, within a VM?
I don’t think this question is the one you meant to ask. 🤭
Not the person you’ve been replying to. However it’s not true of most any other major OS. There are always outliers. But there’s plenty of software that can be compiled to run on any major OS. As long as it wasn’t written by Apple. Windows apps can run under Linux. Linux apps can run under Windows. Android apps can run under both. And both with a bit of work can function in android. That’s not even mentioning BSD. Whose shoulders apple is standing on while giving next to nothing back.
Now that isn’t to say that all that is possible because the makers of all those systems are working together. Far from. Microsoft has done next to nothing themselves to facilitate their software to run elsewhere. And someday perhaps apple software might enjoy the same ability. However that does not detract from the fact that Apple currently is acting in the worst ways Microsoft used to act. And are working to build an impenetrable user hostile Walled Garden.
I suppose I can agree with that, but as you said that has nothing to do with the companies themselves, and more to do with third party communities working towards intercompatibility. I wouldn’t really count that as a point against Apple, nor a point for any of the other OSs.
I will, however, admit that Linux distros tend to be cross compatible, but that’s more because they haven’t diverged “enough” from core Linux.
Though what I really meant by that, was that you can’t take a compiled executable from one OS and move it onto another, and have it work without some sort of compatibility layer.
Apple is actively trying to stop interoperability. Hardware and software with no valid justification. They’ve become worse than the monsters people once perceived them to stand against. The company has built some decent hardware and software. None of that justifies their behavior.
Also linux/bsd/ plan9/ haiku etc etc etc all tend to be interoperable because they generally adhere to The posix Standard. Which is also why windows can run Linux binaries Etc. There is no such thing as core Linux. Indeed Darwin the neglected underpinnings of OS X is posix compliant itself being a bastardized version of BSD. The incompatibility is only start where Apple begins. The fact that Apple created its own separate apis called metal etc instead of using the widely used and proven standards taking after Microsoft. Proves they are out to quash.