This article is written by someone who likes to fart in a jar so they can keep smelling it during the day
I would put Grand Budapest much higher, personally. But, as a big fan of Wes Anderson films this was a fun article to read.
I used to love the Royal Tenenbaums, but when I watch it now, it feels like nothing really happens in that movie. Like, I still like it and quote it, but I just can’t justify it being at the top of the list. I think it should swap spots with The Life Aquatic, then I could agree.
Yeah i have a soft spot for RT but i agree it’s not as good as i thought 20 years ago. I much prefer Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest these days.
Hmm Darjeeling is one of my faves I wouldn’t expect that to be ranked last
This list is wildly subjective, I personally think it is almost backwards, but everyone sees something different in movies, especially Wes Anderson’s
Yeah I had a hard time with it because the Indian characters were not even two dimensional. I remember thinking was it to reinforce the self absorption of the main characters? Any potential character growth after the key scene in the middle of the movie was squandered
The whole “white people go to foreign land to find themselves” story is incredibly overdone. The movie is a canker sore on Wes’ otherwise quite original filmography
I personally thought the film seemed respectful of Indian culture.
Rushmore was my introduction to Wes Anderson decades ago and it remains my favorite. I quote it weekly, with heavy preference to “O R they?” Love it through and through.
Apart from Royal Tenenbaums at first place, I’d reverse this list.
I’m convinced this article is clickbait in the vein of posting the wrong answer and getting people to respond to prove you wrong.
As a casual Wes Anderson fan I feel like this list is organized by general popularity rather than from a hardcore Wes Anderson fan perspective, which in my opinion is a flawed approach. The less generally popular films I’ve been exposed to have been the more enjoyable to me.
I call BS. I found the Darjeeling Limited and the Life Aquatic to be the most likable.
I can appreciate his movies, but I’m not a huge fan. Isle of Dogs was really, really good though.