Cut them off and eat them anyways.
Sorry Odette, with your limbs gone you don’t have much of a choice. However, we will have a prime broadcasting spot for you.
Dungeon Crawler Carl reference with a Way of Kings username? I’ve found my people.
Rereading the Stormlight archive right now after finishing the last book.
Man I wish I could find another book with that energy. Murderbot diaries has some of the serious/comedic aspect but not at the level of DCC. Same for hitchhikers guide. Close, but not quite the same.
Just wait till December and you’ll have Stormlight Book 5!
Im so excited. That’s why I’m reading through them again.
Then mistborn, warbreaker, etc.
For the comedic value, have you tried He Who Fight With Monsters? It’s my most reread series by far, and is what I always give people after Carl.
Cradle is the other big one. The first half of book one is a bit of a hump for me, similar to reading Kal’s perspective in Way of Kings, but it picks up fast. The audiobook is magical; just about anything read by Travis Baldree is worth the time.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll check them out.