mastercard sends your transaction data live to banks. They sell your data to third parties for marketing, profiling and the likes. Credit score is the least of your problems.
I know because I developed a system, in a major European bank, enriching their transaction data with mastercard data for live, predatory marketing.
Isn’t the entire credit industry built on spying on your financial behavior to be able to decide your credit score to begin with?
Me in yurop, using a debit MasterCard, never needed a credit score. Who has my data, what are they doing with it, and how do I burn down their server?
(The answer, kids, is Stripe. Give it some years, it will be lit)
mastercard sends your transaction data live to banks. They sell your data to third parties for marketing, profiling and the likes. Credit score is the least of your problems.
I know because I developed a system, in a major European bank, enriching their transaction data with mastercard data for live, predatory marketing.
Good point. Time to gdpr my bank.