Boomers vote because they are already registered, know where to go, have transportation, have time to do it. They can go out the door on election day and just get it done.
Younger people, especially college age, aren’t registered in the states they live in, have no idea how to get registered, have to go through a much more complicated process of absentee voting, and have to do much of these things well in advance. They are less likely to have transportation, or a schedule that allows them to do it.
Oh, and most importantly, we haven’t given young people a candidate to get excited about in a general election in at least 40 years
If Democrats wanted to harness the power of young voters, they needed to give them Bernie.
Instead we got aptly-named Sleepy Joe.
Now we got what Boomers wanted: Bidenomics. Everyone claims Bidenomics is going well, but young people can’t afford their loans, healthcare, childcare, or rent. So what’s with all the cork-popping.
The fact is, were a nation in absolute crisis, and Democrat Boomers absolutely will not acknowledge it. They got their SUVs, stock portfolios, social security, houses, pensions, and medicare. So fuck everyone else.
Ignorance on where or how to vote is not an excuse. You can Google this information. Also, you are prompted to register when you do your taxes.
Now, getting time off to vote may be. Also, long lines in areas that are incompetent and/or deliberately manipulated by political motives is another issue… Young people with jobs often don’t have time for that.
Anyone on the entire west coast has ZERO excuse, however, since they mail the ballots straight to you, and you mail them straight back.
I do lament Bernie not getting the primary… I voted in that, and it was a crippling blow to see Joe win it. That said, the current situation isn’t Joe Biden’s doing. It’s a global economic issue. It’s true Bernie would be doing more for the lower classes, but there would still be suffering.
It’s not exclusive to the USA though, and in countries with higher turnouts, more younger people vote as well.
Why Don’t Young People Vote, and What Can Be Done About It?
They don’t outvote their elders anywhere in the world. But our analysis of global voter data found that in places where more older people vote, more younger people vote, too
Purely anecdotal, but when I was younger, I really didn’t give a shit about politics, all I was interested in was getting mashed at raves every weekend
Yeah… I have so little patience for those types. I’ve been voting since the moment I was able. I do not get why so many believe abstaining is a good move when there are so many problems caused by Boomers and those who came before us.
Boomers actually vote tho
Boomers vote because they are already registered, know where to go, have transportation, have time to do it. They can go out the door on election day and just get it done.
Younger people, especially college age, aren’t registered in the states they live in, have no idea how to get registered, have to go through a much more complicated process of absentee voting, and have to do much of these things well in advance. They are less likely to have transportation, or a schedule that allows them to do it.
Oh, and most importantly, we haven’t given young people a candidate to get excited about in a general election in at least 40 years
If Democrats wanted to harness the power of young voters, they needed to give them Bernie.
Instead we got aptly-named Sleepy Joe.
Now we got what Boomers wanted: Bidenomics. Everyone claims Bidenomics is going well, but young people can’t afford their loans, healthcare, childcare, or rent. So what’s with all the cork-popping.
The fact is, were a nation in absolute crisis, and Democrat Boomers absolutely will not acknowledge it. They got their SUVs, stock portfolios, social security, houses, pensions, and medicare. So fuck everyone else.
Ignorance on where or how to vote is not an excuse. You can Google this information. Also, you are prompted to register when you do your taxes.
Now, getting time off to vote may be. Also, long lines in areas that are incompetent and/or deliberately manipulated by political motives is another issue… Young people with jobs often don’t have time for that.
Anyone on the entire west coast has ZERO excuse, however, since they mail the ballots straight to you, and you mail them straight back.
I do lament Bernie not getting the primary… I voted in that, and it was a crippling blow to see Joe win it. That said, the current situation isn’t Joe Biden’s doing. It’s a global economic issue. It’s true Bernie would be doing more for the lower classes, but there would still be suffering.
It’s not exclusive to the USA though, and in countries with higher turnouts, more younger people vote as well.
Purely anecdotal, but when I was younger, I really didn’t give a shit about politics, all I was interested in was getting mashed at raves every weekend
If half the people who bitch about society actually voted in local and primary elections we’d have a much different country.
Yeah… I have so little patience for those types. I’ve been voting since the moment I was able. I do not get why so many believe abstaining is a good move when there are so many problems caused by Boomers and those who came before us.
have you seen gen z?
At the polls?