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Thanks to @[email protected]
Clone it before the Glowy Boys declare it a weapon of mass destruction and preemptively nuke the repo.
This seems like a cool idea, but also somewhat questionable from a security standpoint? Isn’t distributing the encrypted content alongside the means to decrypt it (i.e. bundling this all in one file which is sent to the client) essentially equivalent to providing physical access to an encrypted drive? Like an attacker with enough time and effort could bypass the encryption.
It is not a problem to distribute the decryption algorithm. The question remains against what this will protect. Normal https encrypts the traffic safely during transit. With this, the data is also encrypted on the server. But if you can access the server, you can modify the javascript code to send the password back to a server.
It could be used on something like IPFS, where all data is basically public but you can be sure it hasn’t been modified.
Exactly. This shouldn’t be used to store your taxes, for example. But it might be good if you want to post details about your baby shower without your parents getting the details.
Yep, definitely situational depending on your risk model/tolerance; pretty cool idea nonetheless.
Has someone changed the meaning of static? I’ve always thought it meant the opposite of Dynamic HTML
Static files as in static file handling in a web server no CGI, modules, server side code required.
Served as “flat files” - filesystem, object store, what have you. No server logic generating content, just passing around of strings and binary data. Files are the representation are the source of truth. Counter to a web app, where the content response is ephemeral and the “source of truth” is scattered across a writeable DB and recombinated (potentially) on every request.
Interesting question though, I (a web dev) just take the term for granted.