Former President Donald Trump held a town hall with Tulsi Gabbard in Wisconsin on Thursday -- but he didn't know it was a town hall until the event actually started. This is not based on insider information, this was exactly what Trump told the crowd that had gathered in LaCrosse. The whole conversation --
LOL you guys have TDS LOL! Imagine if this was DEMENTIA JOE on stage you wouldn’t even CARE!
It’s specifically that I did care which is why I’m glad he dropped out. Are you really not aware that’s a big reason Harris has such popularity?
Check the history, they’re a specific kind of troll. I read every post from them with an implied /s
Says the guy obsessing over a candidate that’s no longer even running. You must have BiDeN DeRaNgEmEnT SyNdRoMe XD XD
Of course not. They are obviously suffering from Obama Derangement Inferiority Occupational Unawareness Syndrome (ODIOUS).
Geez. I really had to reach to get that acronym to work.
When someone isn’t even on the ballot you usually don’t care. There’s less than six months left on his term. It’s really weird to bring the president up at this point, just like dumpy tries to rant about him as an opponent even though he’s been out for many weeks now.
If Harris was acting like she was incoherent in most speeches i’d start worrying but so far that hasn’t been the case. Dumpy has been incoherent for the better part of a year, if not way longer. I think his fans either ignore his speeches or are so weird that they can’t think critically, there’s just no other rationale.
You poor, dumb little Trumper. Must be scary being so stupid but that’s still no excuse for being an ignorant little fuck stain.
Your schtick works better when you put a joke in there.