• TwilightVulpine@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    There wouldn’t be a massive media aparatus from TV to social media meant to manipulate and indoctrinate people into conservatives if it was just a matter of people being inherently good or bad. Hell, this is as old as organized religion, which is historically constantly intertwined with power.

    It is a matter mental unwellness. It might not be the same type of mental unwellness as yours, but many people out of vulnerability, insecurity, loneliness or nihilism end up becoming prey to manipulative groups. How many times have I heard stories of people who struggle with something in their lives and end up joining a church and pretty much changing completely. Have you never seen anything like that?

    Some people spent all their lives being told what to believe and have a hard time even imagining anything else. Some people who are today completely rabid fascists used to be decent and just lost themselves in a rabbit hole for one reason or another. I get that right now even trying to talk them out of it is a nigh impossible effort, but this wasn’t an inevitable fate written on their soul. It’s a result of widespread propaganda and disinformation that twisted them.

    • PostmodernPythia@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      I never said it was fate. Of course propaganda plays a role. All I’m saying is that hate isn’t a mental illness. People are morally responsible for their hate. Lumping people like that in with mentally ill people will make our lives harder, and they’re hard enough already. Associating us with them will make it easier, psychologically, for other people to involuntarily commit us or even kill us (check the stats on police shootings and severe mental illness). I’m not saying people are born to hate. I’m saying we have enough problems, please don’t advocate mixing them in with us. Call hate a “social illness” and treat them that way. We have enough problems.