So I’ve discovered recently that instead the moderators and admins doing their due diligence, they’ll just ban your IP. I can’t wait for this to blow up in their face.
So I’ve discovered recently that instead the moderators and admins doing their due diligence, they’ll just ban your IP. I can’t wait for this to blow up in their face.
It is just a subreddit setting
It isn’t something a subreddit moderator can use to ban OP’s specific IP in the subreddit let alone sitewide Reddit. (OP did not say if they are talking about a subreddit specifically, or if they were banned sitewide)
In fact it’s just that random person posting a year ago calling it a “IP ban”, the Reddit admins never explained how that subreddit setting works. I’m guessing it’s using some sort of algorithm to calculate the likelihood of ban evasion e.g repeated post links / new/unused account / maybe the usage of VPN / Tor IP, that sort of thing. Reddit admins do already sitewide auto-ban accounts spamming links that were already reported and banned prior.
I got site wide banned earlier this year for 1-2 weeks because I stated to a mod that I was going to circumvent their sub ban with an alt account. I got instantly permanently banned from a sub for holding a having a different opinion to the mod. I used an alt account using the same IP addresses and devices and didn’t do abything; not even a warning.
A sub setting that tracks IPs and impacts a person’s reddit account(s) or use. And mods can at the very least flag IPs that get banned and admins won’t actually follow up with the issue. I never said that I have or have not been banned from reddit
Reddit admins haven’t said how it works, I’m sure IP address is a factor in the algorithm but calling it a “IP ban” is misleading.
It’s a subreddit setting, moderators are not flagging anyone’s IP addresses, they don’t even have access to that type of info. The best that moderators can do is ban accounts for “ban evasion” or whatever other reason. Then those banned accounts and their post/comment histories likely get sent into that ban evasion algorithm when the sub has the ban evasion setting enabled.
You’re talking about a setting that has been enabled sitewide for over a year now
Sometimes they do, but yeah you’re right usually there won’t be much of a review. They do review that stuff on and off but with the sheer amount of actual ban evasion on that site it’s unlikely they spend much time on that.
Yea, it’s certainly more complicated than a simple IP bans.
Reddit uses a shit ton of fingerprinting on top of just using the IP.
IP info can be a part of said fingerprinting, but banning just an IP is moot and easily bypassed with a lot of possible collateral damage they’d want to avoid.
IP bans could ban unrelated accounts that happened to connect from your workplace proxy or mobile ISP proxy, but is easily bypassed by anyone with even a free VPN or coffee shop wifi.
I’m sure they have extensive data points to connect the dots between alt accounts, but it’s assuredly not using only IPs.
If you don’t mind, I’m going to comment and edit as I read your comment. That cool?
So they decided to choose an algorithm that matched like accounts? Bullshit