• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Almost all my goals. I tried to buy some shoes. And I did! When you have big feet, not every trip to the mall results in a shoe purchase. These ones even came with a steel toe protection. Which I don’t need for any reason, but now I won’t fear people running over my shoes with a wheelchair. Which doesn’t sound like a daily threat, but you’d be surprised.

    I also found some candy I’ve been seeking for years. By total accident.

    I also bought cheese sauce that I put on hot dogs

    But I forgot to buy bread…


    I mean, don’t get me wrong. I still have buns for my hot dogs, but I’d like some bread for my turkey, and chicken breast slices. And I probably should have bought cheese slices, and a big jar of strawberry jelly

    Wow…I never realized how many of my recent posts are relevant for my own future comments. I’m basically a walking billboard for myself! Which only grows my own ego, because I’m just like “Wow, I AM awesome!”

    Eh, could be worse. I’m usually depressed, but today I’m feeling pretty good today. I accomplished most of my goals, including the most important one, where I bought shoes!

    Which is important because my shoes were like 2-3 years old, and daily worn. They were falling apart. Somewhere in my history in the past week I even talked about that. I would link it, but I have too many comments to know how far back THAT is.

    And you know what they say about guys with big feet, right? They say they generally have a stable standing sense, enhanced by their wide feet, and stsble footing…and that they generally have issues finding shoes in their sizes. Which is true. But today I DID find shoes in my size.

    Today was a good day!