Well yes, that’s the explanation given for masquerading as a police box from the 60s at all times, chameleon circuits are broken and brakes are stuck on
Yes, happened in the very first episode. What a coincidence.
I love how the plot of the first two seasons is that doctor shows the teachers of his granddaughter (yes, he has family) that the tardis works and goes with them to the stone age. Then he tries to go back and it takes him 2 seasons.
Which one is bigger in the inside?
The police box, not the telephone box
So the tardis lost her ability to adopt to the time and environment? What a shame.
I’ve always said that Tardis would take the appearance of a chemical toilet in today’s world.
It can be placed everywhere without raising any suspicion at all.
Well yes, that’s the explanation given for masquerading as a police box from the 60s at all times, chameleon circuits are broken and brakes are stuck on
Yes, happened in the very first episode. What a coincidence.
I love how the plot of the first two seasons is that doctor shows the teachers of his granddaughter (yes, he has family) that the tardis works and goes with them to the stone age. Then he tries to go back and it takes him 2 seasons.
The one from Inspector Spacetime https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Wcu7UaSLOU3CewYy2kxCwwHaE8?pid=ImgDet&dpr=1.8&PC=EMMX01
Chapeau, I did not think of that. I just thought “close enough to make the joke” but you made the joke better than intened