Table of Contents show 1 Research Objectives 2 Methodology 3 The Data We Used 4 Findings: Research Objectives The aim of this research is to shed light on the blockchain industry’s growth and market reach among a vast array of companies. Our specific objectives are: To quantify the number of blockchain and web3 companies that […]
And for donations to Wikileaks, we don’t want the government to be able to reverse or block them. That’s what PayPal did with then before Bitcoin was invented.
I don’t think that Bitcoin can or should replace the current system, but it can be an addition for rarer cases.
But yes: Most of the other blockchain stuff is just completely useless and therefore not used.
And for donations to Wikileaks, we don’t want the government to be able to reverse or block them. That’s what PayPal did with then before Bitcoin was invented.
I don’t think that Bitcoin can or should replace the current system, but it can be an addition for rarer cases.
But yes: Most of the other blockchain stuff is just completely useless and therefore not used.