He can afford it. He just steals bread for the thrill.
here, you dropped something: /s
Pauper troll
For all those dogs know, that mayor could be doing all that they can with the resources they have. But if it’s a national issue, then it’s effectively like trying to extinguish a forest fire with a squirt gun. Go after the Big Dog President.
For all those dogs know, the President is just a figurehead to placate the people into believing they have a measure of power while the corporations craft legislation which is forced through Congress by the power of their
bribespolitical contributions.I mean most funding for homelessness comes from local and state agencies, not federal.
So it’s more like go after big dog state senators and neighbors who vote against shit like education taxes because no state, federal, or nonprofits have figures out a way to enact nonlocal taxes so public education is more well rounded rather than being shitty in poor places which is self reinforced.
I’ve tried! Nobody wants to pay taxes!
Especially the people who own for their money by charging a levy to other people for using their things, exactly like a tax, without a hint of irony.
Inb4 “If you see a woman stealing baby formula, no you did not.”
My Walmart was more security around the formula than Fort Knox.
Things must be getting bad bc instead of a greeter checking recipes, not my walmart has loss prevention guys dressed like vested mall cops.
Supposedly they are having record thefts, which is part of the reason they’ve increased prices.
But from what I can find, there hasn’t been an increase in theft reports to the police, and I would think their insurance requires a police report if they want to file claims on this apparent rash of thefts.
I think it’s all bullshit, and it’s going to come out in a few years that all the major big box stores colluded to raise their pricing as an attempt to squeeze more profit out of a dying economy that is also shifting away from them.
Lots of chuds showing up in comics comments for some reason.
Because there is a famine after we sent the farmers to the gulag or we destroyed the crops following nonsense “closer cropping” instructions from a leader who doesn’t understand farming
Ah yes, the old “Communism is when no food” non-argument.
Ukraine and China offer some compelling examples, no?
Bread lines in eastern Europe were a thing?
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are left to die in the streets every day right now, what’s your point?
Why is that happening in America today?
Patrol Troll?
Woke patrol!
Why aren’t people bullying mayors over this shit ?
How can a mayor call themselves a leader with homeless people in their town ?
Leader of heartless puke-faces.
How is a mayor responsible for junkies and mentally unstable people unfit for society?
What do you want them to do?
Feed and house them, can you not read?
How many homeless people do you let crash on your couch and eat out of your fridge?
Or is it only ok if someone else pays for it?
I know this is a classical bad faith argument and doesn’t warrant a response, but hilariously, i’ve genuinely done that before. I got to know one of those street punk types and he slept on my couch multiple times.
For what little i know of this internet stranger, i’d rather him stay at my place than you
It’s ok, I own my own home and am a functional human being, I don’t rely on hand outs from strangers to make up for an inability to behave like a person.
Way to dehumanize the homeless, buddy
Oh no they’re definitely human, like biologically.
Or is it only ok if someone else pays for it?
We’re already paying for it. It’s cheaper (financially and otherwise) to fix the problem instead.
Do you think a town’s mayor has the ability to turn junkies and other socially unfit people into actual functional human beings?
You’ve taken the comic way too literally. Homelessness is a policy choice, and politicians are responsible for failing to allocate funds towards prevention, housing, etc. That applies to politicians at every level of government, with varying levels of responsibility/ability.
Reality is more complicated than you’re viewing it.
junkies and other socially unfit people
You don’t seem to understand what leads a person to do drugs either.
The financially wise decision is to house people, keep them fed, and in good health. Because when politicians let housing get fucked, when they let people starve, when they let them be ill, you get problems that get expensive in the form of prison time, police budgets, and crime rates. This is an area where doing the morally right thing is the most cost effective thing. Dehumanizing people as “junkies” and “socially unfit” just makes everything worse, for yourself included.
The financially wise decision is to house people, keep them fed, and in good health.
Feel free to invest into housing and then practice what you preach.
Also, I’m not dehumanizing junkies and socially unfit people. They’re definitely human. Being human however does not entitle you to free shift from people who are actually functional.
If anything, it’s the people who say we should give them a home and food that are the ones who do the dehumanizing, treating them like pets that shouldn’t be left outside in the cold.
The issue is that tax payers are already paying for it. It cost money for cops to go out and arrest people, then process them. The homeless person ain’t going to show up to court later, and the tax payer usually eats the cost of all that plus any anti homeless benches or windows.
I think if that the cost gets directed toward housing and food, so they have a stable place to grow from, it would be a better option in the long run.
You’ll pay cops regardless.
i doubt you’d need as many
You will, because you’ll need to evict the junkies out of the place they’re trashing.
Not if they get defunded
Step 1) defund police to provide free house and food to socially unfit people
Step 2) socially unfit people trash the place because that’s what junkies do.
Step 3) omg what is the police doing
Step 4) it’s defunded.
Step 5) who could have seen it coming?