from her telegram
Following Empress’ bullshit via Telegram screenshots is a fun experience. I like to think of it as the B-plot of digital piracy.
Empress is making an MMO? Lol
I can’t wait until it’s revealed to be a worse version of Active Worlds filled to the brim with their insane ramblings.
It’s anyone taking bets on if she’s going to use denuvo?
100% science-based dragon MMO
I legit don’t even know what’s even worth playing/cracking these days. It feels like a gaming drought rn
Man,I understand why only like 2 complete lunatics are still willing to crack denuvo
But why must it be so
We need more Denuvo crackers :(
don’t call them that.
What’s fucking stopping you from learning how to do that shit yourself?
It’s really hard and time consuming? The fuck you so mad about??
I’m not mad, this is how I normally talk. Nothing wrong with using vulgarity.
Well that’s not unhinged at all…
EMPRESS can impress, as the infinite drama-engine.
As unhinged as her rants are, I find them enjoyable. Especially this post. Though I suppose this post is far milder than many of her previous works. 🤣
I look towards the future with some hope.
Here’s hoping P5R is on the list!
Man it was on sale for $20 on green man gaming a few weeks ago during the “sizzling sale”. Whenever steam has sales check them out IsThereAnyDeal as that’s how I found it. Atb that price, I gave up waiting and caved. I was even able to convert my PS4 save (jailbroken) to PC without losing any progress.
I realize the group I’m in, but I wanted to let others know who are holding off potentially because of the price
“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”.
I refuse Denuvo on principle, only buy worthy games when they remove it. But I think Atlus games never got Denuvo removed? Even after years. So it’s either it gets cracked and I play it, or it doesn’t and I won’t lose sleep over it lol
When it was just released on PC, I saw on Reddit that it probably won’t happen. Apparently Empress does not like anime games and therefore refuses to crack them.
I, myself, have been secretly hoping for it as well though. Got the game on PS5 (ps4 version) and refuse to pay money again for the game (unless it gets a heavy-heavy sale for like 10 bucks or something).
I see, that’s a bummer. Oh, well
God i am so entertained by this, haha!
she is “finishing her mmo first” lmao we need more denuvo crackers.
Op… She said she will return AFTER her MMO is ready and is going well.
That won’t happen. There’s no way it doesn’t get stuck in development hell. She’s never coming back.basic windows functions
does not matter had crack dot png.
She’s such a narcissist that she couldn’t stay out of the spotlight. lol.
Regardless; I doubt that any game she could develop would be any good; and I shudder to think of what deranged DRM scheme she will cook up to protect her own game. It’ll probably be worse than Denuvo, knowing how unstable she is.
Genuinely, the scene is better without her hate filled screeds polluting the web. Her abilities might be appreciated more if she got some mental help and she could rejoin the scene as a positive force; not someone who lets their ego run rampant and spews hate at the slightest provocation.
Unfortunately the scene is too cowardly to NUKE her output into obscurity until she cleans her spew up.