Flossing my teeth in the morning. For years I tried doing it at night before going to bed, and inevitably skipped it because I was too tired.
My dentist has mentioned that my gums are in good shape a few times, so I think that means it’s working.
Alcohol. It was not a positive change.
Maybe you need more? But for real, I don’t drink a bunch, but I still give props to people that drink only a little.
I have since quit, and that was a positive change.
Congrats man!
I have always exercised but gaining weight and lifting weights increased my bone mass at an age that it is supposed to be impossible to do that. I would rather be skinny, looks-wise, it was my identity and now I am so fucking medium sized but feel better, sleep better, and presumably will hold up better.
So, oddly enough, eating regularly and doing heavier exercise.
Take notes for things and making alarms. I’m pretty forgetful so this has helped me out a lot.
Intermittent fasting. It’s the only “diet” plan I was actually able to stick with. Just over a year now and I lost 12-15 lbs down to my ideal weight. I think the main thing was that I stopped snacking late into the evening.
Yeah, I think the main thing that makes intermittent fasting effective is exactly this. I don’t believe that there’s anything magical about eating in a time window in itself but not taking in those extra little snacks that all add up is big.
Keeping a gratitude journal. Every day I think of something I’m grateful for. It could be big or small. And I write it down. I keep them different (a text file I can search helps).
It has given me a more grateful mindset. Because now I’m on the lookout for things to put in my gratitude journal.
Asking myself “would I associate with this person if they weren’t blood relatives?”