The dev says this is one of three big announcements. One could possibly be a release date for the mobile version, but I’m not sure what the third could be.

      5 months ago

      Generally some good advice is that Balatro is a math game first and foremost so you want to focus on things that raise your score the quickest. So adding chips is ok, adding multiplier is better, and multiplying your total is the best.

      For example let’s say you are playing straights and you have a 10-6 with level 3 straights. So you’d have:



      So let’s compare how jokers impact that score:

      Devious joker: +100 chips if you have a straight


      Crazy joker: +12 mult if you have a straight


      The order: x3 mult if you have a straight


      You can see those are very big differences! It’s also helpful to pay attention to the order of your cards. Generally Balatro cards are scored left to right. The most important thing is to take any card that multiplies any part of your score on the right so you can add as much to the score as possible, then you multiply that number

      So in short: multiplier jokers are best, additive multiplier jokers are good, additive chip jokers are ok, and pay attention to the order of your jokers/played cards

        5 months ago

        One thing to watch out for though, is that if you focus exclusively on mult, eventually the scale tips and chips become more valuable.

        You’re always ultimately doing c * m, chips times mult, right? Increasing c by 1 increases your total by…

        (c+1)*m - (c*m) = (c + 1 - c) * m = m

        And vice versa for increasing m by 1. So, whichever is higher - your total mult or total chips - you should increase the other one. Usually this means increase mult, but building a bit multiplier can quickly make it outpace your chips for some hands.