Younger people of lemmy, what are some nuanced sayings that you would like to have explained to you?
Why do old people always follow the same rules of syntax and grammar?
Just kidding I’m old and I want to know why young people mangle english so much.
Stupidity, laziness, memes, twitter, AAVE
I think it’s probably an attempt to be unique. Our written words have a massive forum of eyes on them that was never achieved before in human history. So we all wanna be unique? Unsure but that’s my guess. That and it’s possible humans inner monologue is being displayed more accurately and with less fear of repercussion.
what’s a lefty-capucinno ?
My son told me that DTF means “Doing the Face Book”, but I sometimes see it being used in other sites that I like to visit that aren’t social media sites. Does the Face Book really carry that much weight on the Internet? What does “Doing the Face Book” really mean exactly?
Pretty sure you’re shitposting, but for any parents who don’t know, it means “down to fuck.”
Well don’t know if he is shitposting but for the longest time I thought Netflix and chill was just inviting someone over and watch a movie. Until the other day someone told me that the expectation is to fuck.
See I would totally be down to just hang and watch a movie with a friend, then GTFO.
I think Netflix is becoming an increasingly hard-sale on it’s own these days.
Very true. It’s upsetting on Netflix or prime to search for a movie and it autocompletes but then they just show you “I know you really want to see X, but how about Y instead”?
It means “down to fuck”, it means your open to sexual activity. Doing the Facebook is a lie hea telling you to avoid the awkward situation
I work in accounting and had a boss (younger than me) who abbreviated Due to/from as DTF and I never figured out if he was trolling us or just had never come across it. If he was trolling he never once broke. I still talk to him but can’t bring myself to ask.
If they have a sense of humor that would laugh at this concept. They fucking know.
Pog/poggers. I’m old but usually up on things as a long-time knight-of-new but this term slipped by me years ago and I never caught its meaning.
POG = Play of the Game
It was used by people in the chat when watching video game streamers pull off an impressive play.
It just kind of morphed out of that to mean something awesome happened.
Oh my God one day I walked out of my room and my high school kid looked at me and said:
“That fit shreds”
And it was the first time I had been honestly perplexed by slang, had absolutely no idea what they were trying to convey. Turns out they liked my clothes that day.
“That fit shreds” = that’s an awesome outfit
Synonyms for Fit: outfit, drip, gear, cloth(es), getup
Synonyms for shreds: killer, swag, gnarly, rad, sick, dank, cool, fire (🔥),
Your drip is fire
Your outfit is cool
Your gear is rad
Your clothes are sick
Your getup is dank
Your cloth is killer
All pretty equivalent statements which you may relate to more based on era of terminology you grew up with.
(This is from my brain dictionary, real life experiences may be different)
Edit: Proper spacing to avoid aneurysm
I’m so sick of everything being a “fit”. OUTFIT. Drip? Ugh.
Oh do I have a song for you. Jason Isbell “Outfit”. His dad’s advice on being a man.
“Don’t call what you’re wearing an outfit, don’t ever say your car is broke…”
Don’t know exactly but something similar to a mixture of a brave, true, and cool statement. Think it was first used by right wing chuds but then adopted ironically by terminally online liberals.
You’d say “based” if you agree with the political messaging of something.
(Pls correct me if I’m wrong)
Generally agree, but I think right wing chuds were the second wave usage trying to co-opt the meaning to be opposite of woke.
I’ve often seen “based” as a shorthand for “based in reality” or “true”
What is GOAT? Someone here called me that, and I’m not sure if it was good or bad.