Billionaire condemned for ‘extraordinarily irresponsible’ post amid disorder on Britain’s streets
Civil war is inevitable just like COVID would be over by April 2019 and that humans would set foot on Mars in 2024 (they better hurry up.)
This website keeps track of all the stupid bullshit Elon has predicted:
Wish Version Iron Man is a weird motherfucker.
Wish Version Iron Man
Oh that’s good.
I also like: Rebate Rockefeller.
“Phony Stark” is my personal favorite
I think you mean Temu Iron Man. Wish Iron Man would be a step up from what we have.
I started reading, got about 10 minutes in before realizing how much there was. Jesus why do people think he is anything other than a hype man
Covid didn’t even start until like October 2019, and didn’t reach America until February 2020.
The world didn’t even know that word in April 2019.
Yeah I feel a bit more optimistic for the future now that this clampit has voiced his shitty wet dream.
is there also a site covering his lawsuits? That bitcoin one seems… actionable
Elon wants war because he wasn’t able to delete this picture from the internet forever. Don’t be embarrassed Elon
News articles should start using this picture whenever they mention him, or that one where he’s balding and looks like a meth addict.
Money grows hair
His villain origin story is that he couldn’t fit in with goths or furries, then got mad at his trans daughter.
“Civil war is inevitable” says guy who does everything he can to start one.
Soon he will announce his new company, VaultTech
Nah it needs an X in it for it to be a company of his.
Sounds like a porn site specialising in vintage porn.
Does he not realize that the left ALSO have guns? And if this war does take place, he’s in the top 10 of people who would be targeted? Does he not get this?
Dickhead’s talking about the UK though. Not a whole lot of firearms around outside of farmer’s shotguns.
…well thats even dumber than I thought!!! May as well claim everybody is going to shoot rockets at each other.
Mandem got knives though
He will transition into a despot and warmonger next, and then move into weapons. Lot of money to be made there.
Sounds like exactly the guy you want owning a huge societal discussion platform and developing brain interfaces.
Don’t forget about the humanoid robots!
We don’t have enough firearms in private hands evenly distributed to have a civil war you fucking nepo-silverspoon-lollipop!
Maybe you should be looking at your own country for that and I wonder where the nutjobs are that would kickstart that would hear their misinformed reason? I’ll give you a clue, it used to rhyme with Shitter!
you fucking nepo-silverspoon-lollipop!
I wish Americans could insult with the skill that British people insult.
It’s a cultural skill developed over many centuries where armies stood on opposite ends of a field and insulted eachother before the charge happened.
Here’s a breakdown of the aforementioned insult:
“You Fucking” used as a layup for whatever follows. It is best to exclude swears for subsequent words unless you intend to punctuate the end with a worse swear. The only one up from “Fuck” is “Cunt” without getting into slurs.
“Nepo” shorthand for nepotism, this is the personal attack element and should be first in the insult. If you imagine stabbing someone with words, this is the one that breaks through the skin. It also has two syllables so it can follow on well from “fucking” which also has two.
“Silverspoon-lollipop” is the final thrust of the insult deep into their soul. This has three elements:
- It is a second personal attack that is closely related to the first as it denotes inherited wealth.
- It is the first part of “silverspoon-lollipop”. This paints the image in one’s mind of Elon having a silverspoon stuck up his arse and therefore making him a human lollipop (popsicle). Creating an absurd and humiliating visual of your opponent is a good way to inject a healthy dose of comedy which is THE key ingredient to any good putdown. Lollipop, as an inherently silly-sounding word, is the punchline again because of the absurdity of feeling destroyed by being called a lollipop.
- Both sets of words have the same number of syllables. This gives the insult a good rhythm: 2-2-3-3.
In closing, this is a skill that can be learnt it just requires practicing a few rules-of-thumb:
- Target weaknesses and personal flaws in your opponent that they can’t deny.
- Warp those flaws into an absurdity that adds comedy.
- Be sparing with swears and use them as layups or punctuation.
- Think about syllables and rhythm like one would do in a rap or roast battle. If it’s too long, split it into multiple insults.
- Keep in mind your cultural sensitivities. For example, in the UK it’s pretty universal that the only swears more offensive than “Cunt” are ethnic and cultural slurs. I also learnt from my Romanian friend that a lot of the worst insults from there are centred around the mother or the sister.
- If use your cultures’ sayings and idioms, which are more widespread in English than people realise, as shorthand.
- Practice, practice, practice.
Use these guidelines and you’ll have your enemy’s soul demoralised and destroyed their therapist will need a therapist. Happy insulting, ya bastards! 😊
Elon is so dumb, he doesn’t even know the difference between the UK and the US.
The assailant is British-born. The protests in the streets is nothing but fueled by thuggery and racism.
The protests in the streets is nothing but fueled by thuggery and racism.
So, every right wing protest?
I don’t live in the UK, but here in Ireland, genuine concerns-- primarily on housing-- is piggybacked by the far-right to further their own agenda.
And that agenda? Guessing thuggery and racism.
Specifically for the UK, shitheels like Tommy Robinson are 100% just using racism for his ‘protests’.
One of the most powerful rallying images for racists is the “foreigner” raping/killing “their” innocent white women. It was fertile ground for a disinfo campaign. It triggers a runaway emotional response in some susceptible people. The web agitators already tested this when something similar happened in Germany and Sweden.
Eating the rich is inevitable.
That was some weird shit
A lot of those on the right are pushing violence and civil war hard as if they are going to capitalize on it. Oligarchs and Nazis have been trying to install their preferred government since the 1930s. They twist the Bible and patriotism into blasphemous perversions to get a desperate and fearful underclass to join in, but they too will end up in the Nazi work camps. People are not taught about the plot to seize the White House in schools because the rich control what is taught in schools. Every person should read about Major General Smedley Butler, the one they wanted to install as dictator and the greatest Marine ever but he is nearly erased from history because he stood up to the rich folks.
If any country is on the brink of civil war, it’s the US.
Elon is so fucking useless.
Yeah welcome to our world, England.
Musk knows because he’s funding it.
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