I think this is what happens when mainstream political parties legitimise this kind of anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Everyone is pointing at social media, what about Sunak/Braverman/Patel? Not to mention the odious Farage.
I lay a lot of the blame at their feet.
And also - I realise it makes no sense (the perpetrator is British born!) but as has so often been said: You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. So yeah, here we are. Madness.
I still remember what my grandfather who fought in WW2 told me: “You don’t speak to nazis. You shoot nazis.”
Times have changed, so I would be entirely happy with all the Nazis deported to Rwanda.
Holy shit these early comments. Who the fuck rang the bell over at Racists R Us?
It’s bad faith. Mentioning facts to them is pointless, this is the result of allowing these assholes to recruit and organize for years.
Bigots never miss an opportunity
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If you have any questions or comments about me, you can make a post to LW Support lemmy community.The police should be worried about them “fiery but mostly peaceful protestors”, not anything that is labelled as “right wing”.
Ok, let’s compare, shall we?
Millions of people out protesting over the murder of thousands of children in Gaza, and protesting the UK’s complicity in those crimes by directly sending weapons to Israel. No crimes committed, no riots, no disorder. There were a couple who held up flags and inflammatory symbols or shouted crude slogans and they went peacefully when they were arrested.
Thousands of children murdered, peaceful protest.
In contrast, a far-right counter protest against the Palestine march in London ends with the thugs clashing with police, being violent and causing damage https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-far-right-football-hooligans-blamed-violence-pro-palestinian-march-london/
Recently, 3 girls brutally and abhorrently murdered in Southport, but EDL thugs who honestly couldn’t care less about the victims and just wanted a scrap, took to the streets and torched police vehicles, injured many offers. The perpetrator ended up being a Christian, and yet the EDL mob went and targeted a mosque.
3 children murdered, outright anarchy.
EDL have proven that they’re just in it for the fight. They just want blood and they don’t care what the trigger is. Absolutely pathetic. They piss about in school, get bugger all in the way of grades and end up at the building site, blaming immigrants for their troubles. Spineless knobgobblers, the lot of them.
It’s funny how indigenous population who’s scared about their wellbeing is called “far-right”. Focus on stabbings, rapes and other pressing issues.
indigenous population
Which ones are indigenous, the ones that came over with the Celts, the ones that came over with the Romans, the ones that came over with the Angles and Saxons, the ones that came over with the Norman French… or are we talking about the hunter-gatherers displaced by the Celts here? Do we need to test some DNA?
What percentage of their DNA is from Homo Neanderthalensis?
When you’re goose-stepping around town, do you have to keep a mouth guard just in your mouth the whole time, or do you discretely pocket it until the day inevitably turns on you? I’ve always wanted to know and never got to talk to an actual out-and-out fascist before. Ya know, you suspect some people, but you’re just brave enough to come out and say it.
But seriously, leave lemmy and don’t come back. Thanks!
Indigenous population scared about their wellbeing? Wellbeing from what? What possible threat has the indigenous population faced recently that you need to be all up in arms about it?
This is a report on Gov.uk
In 2022/23, white individuals accounted for 78% of arrests, 8% were of black individuals, 8% were of Asian individuals, 4% were of mixed ethnicity individuals and 2% were of other ethnicity individuals
In 2022, 77% of all males prosecuted for indictable offences were from the white ethnic group, compared to 86% of all females prosecuted
Since 2018, white defendants have had a consistently lower average custodial sentence length (ASCL) than all other ethnic groups combined for indictable offences.
Black prisoners served the greatest proportion of their original sentence in custody.
What is your point? What are you up in arms about exactly?
Now, let’s put this into perspective - https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/ethnicity-and-the-criminal-justice-system-statistics-2020/ethnicity-and-the-criminal-justice-system-2020
If you want to provide data, do it as a whokr, not what fits your point of view.
Go back to reddit.
Indigenous population? Hahaha go and read some history.
Really? It’s the far right they’re worried about?
I know the far left also riots, but this time it’s the far right…
I don’t know anything about the situation. What should they be worried about?
From what I’ve been hearing, a lot of groups that aren’t exactly considered part of the traditional left/right political divide.
Groups like?..
English Defence League, bunch of Nazis.
The English Defence League are a far-right, Islamophobic organisation in England.
So, they should be worried about the far right.
It’s a common fascist talking point. I’m surprised any of those fucks bother posting on Lemmy.