Linus Tech Tips will pause uploading new content for one week, after it faced allegations of inaccurate product reviews and sexual harassment in the workplace this week.
So really, it’s not just me that found him to be producing smarmy and careless content? My first views were of his various challenges - where they consistently ‘proved’ that people can’t do things in an OS that they don’t have experience with, which means they’d be better off doing it in a much worse OS that they used since they were kids - and therefore it’s better.
I really liked Nexus’s video - though it didn’t help me as I wouldn’t waste time on LTT. I don’t like or trust these coroporate video mills, any more than I trust Google/Youtube - they don’t give a toss as long as the money flows and they didn’t get sued.
So really, it’s not just me that found him to be producing smarmy and careless content? My first views were of his various challenges - where they consistently ‘proved’ that people can’t do things in an OS that they don’t have experience with, which means they’d be better off doing it in a much worse OS that they used since they were kids - and therefore it’s better.
I really liked Nexus’s video - though it didn’t help me as I wouldn’t waste time on LTT. I don’t like or trust these coroporate video mills, any more than I trust Google/Youtube - they don’t give a toss as long as the money flows and they didn’t get sued.