“She just isn’t black enough to be president” Trump hurt itself in its confusion.
Just finished watching that train wreck and it went exactly like I (we!?) thought it would!
It’s weird that Donald Trump can’t speak without being nasty. Donald Trump is weird in that mannerism.
So weird. Just a weird weird dude. And old.
Don’t get me started on the small hands
He is the oldest convicted criminal to ever run for office!
And a convicted criminal.
He’s incapable of changing his tone or approach for situations and different audiences in any major way. He’s always Trump +/- 5% difference.
The only thing old racists hate more than minorities is multiethnic minorities. It confuses and angers them
They like think to fit into very simple basic boxes; Black/White, Male/Female, Christian/Pagan, Americans/Subhumans, Straight/—
Had to explain to someone yesterday that being gay isn’t the same as being trans. He’s one of them (I’ll submit to the irony).
She just turned black? Has he not been paying attention for the past 4 years? (Rhetorical question. We all know the answer to that is “no, of course he hasn’t, because he’s so fixated with himself!”)
I’m sure her Jamaican dad would be amazed to hear that his daughter hasn’t been black for almost all of her 59 years on this planet.
I said this in another thread, but “things happening/existing before you know about them” is something I’m working on with my child, not something a presidential candidate should struggle with.
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It’s strange that people would think such a weird, small-handed man-child could run anything let alone a country.
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In the full quote he did say she turned black “a number of years ago”, for context, but he’s still full of shit.
that dude’s got tiny hands
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Why is the entire Republican party so weird? Everyone is wondering why that is.
Just very odd behavior and strange thinking.
He’s also too old. It’s embarrassing.
But like, weird bad, not like ‘Weird’ Al.
I feel like we need to be careful to carve out a safe place for him since national treasure and all.
It is probably a Republican mindset that “race” is still a thing in the US. Who the f cares what race Kamela Harris is - besides “Human”
As someone who grew up in a (not so surprising) racist family: I promise you, they don’t care. If she had an ® next to her name, they’d be voting for her instead of Trump, as long as the opponent had a (D) next to their name.
The modern republican party is what’s left of “the south that will rise again”. Doesn’t matter that Donnie dipshit wasn’t born in the south, that’s the demographic he’s been taught, all his life, that matters.
And in Donnie the dipshit’s case, it’s basically still 1800s America. Guy hasn’t moved a millimeter since 1990. Guy probably doesn’t know what the word ‘no’ even means.
If you vote for Donnie Dumbass, I hope once the liberals are gone ,he comes for you next.
Remember how people were betting when he’d say something openly racist? Bets were September, turns out it was June!
You didn’t know? Black is a choice!
Cool. I’m opting out.
One generational wealth, please.
Weird how so many people choose to be brutalized by cops, isn’t it?
to be fair, he did turn orange
These MAGA weirdos are at it again.
It’s funny (sad funny, not haha funny) we can’t really know if what he said was just an incoherent sentence due to his obvious dementia or a racist comment due to his rampant racism or a misogynist comment due to his unbridled misogyny
Trump truly is a whole package of shit
And his repugnican cronies just smile and nod just like hes speaking gospel. Can them all, tuna style
Anyone want to vote for any of racist Trumps?
Must be why he hasn’t been asking for her birth certificate.
What a fucking moron. My god he represents his voters well.
I would have thought it was a low bar to clear of not questioning if she is black, but here we are.