Watching Ted Lasso right now, and all these characters that are working on their MacBook: when they get texted, they pick up their iPhones and read and reply there. Missed opportunities to show off Continuity. Show the phone notification, and then show the MacBook. I love responding on my MacBook. Or is it not that common?
I use Continuity a for messages a lot, it’s a great feature. Ted Lasso isn’t a show about Apple though, they probably film it that way because they think it’s more natural. If they had to explain the characters behaviour it might feel like more forced product placement.
For All Mankind has some interesting glimpses of alternative history Apple products.
At one point characters are having video calls on Apple Newtons with colour displays and cameras.
Color Newtons? Now you’re just making me sad.
I do it on my Windows PC and Android. At least one other person does this. 🤣
They do show it in one or two occasions. And as a Signal and XMPP user I thought, wow, didn’t know that Apple devices can do that now, too.