This was what most annoyed me on my Ender 3. Now with a bambu A1 its fire-and-forget. And no failed prints yet, with daily use.
This was what most annoyed me on my Ender 3. Now with a bambu A1 its fire-and-forget. And no failed prints yet, with daily use.
You might assume that was just a trigger, first thing that came to their mind, as they said.
I’m dreading their outcome…
Fallen Haven, Master of Orion (except 3, which was really shit). Elite (PC). Played elite almost constantly after school.
I tend to block folks who spampost the same content three to four (up to 50) times, as this messes up my All experience, then those weird nearly CSAM manga style posts, and the clearly Russian/CN spam farm users.
Some German cable providers do internal NATting please check that yours does not.
I’m from Europe, the stuff they have here is good. Was hoping you had one near you to check if they ship it over. Sry if I raised false hopes.
Did you check at Aldi’s or Lidl’s? Maybe they ship it over instead of selling the local stuff. Here its in little bags and lasts years unrefrigerated.
Was thinking same, packs from unsold leasing returns. But probably not so.
Good explanatory article on a rather complicated topic. Ty for the link!
"Between the lines: The chaotic incidents indicate how much ultranationalists in Israel have been emboldened under Netanyahu’s governments, especially after Oct. 7.
It is also a sign of the disintegration of the IDF chain of command and the military’s internal law and order, encouraged by ultranationalist politicians who for years called the military a “liberal” institution and said it was part of a “deep state” that needs to be dismantled."
Good summary, especially the last sentence sums it up.
"Musk told Peterson that Wilson’s gender transition has been the motivation for his push into conservative politics.
“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that, and we’re making some progress,” he said. "
My god what a total dumbfuck.
This makes me sick in the stomach.
This. And battery life is amazing.
Omfg. That sentence of your ma alone is cringe. Had to reread it several times not believing s/o would really voice that.
plus duplex scan
If you post I’d personally be glad if you’d not spam your post to all remotely probable communities. It will end up like maybe 50 times in everyone’s “new” feed and some would consider this as post spamming.
I have to admit that each time I saw a torx security screw on a case I had to open (looking at you, Compaq) this made me so angry that I used to punch the middle pin away with a flathead screwdriver, and replace the screw with a regular one later. This was in those past times I did not have a fuckton of assorted torx bits in a gigantic case…
Yes. These are great machines. Please know, though, that p.e. the camera does inexplicably not work in LAN only mode (i.e. when not connected to the bambu cloud service), and that the AMS lite cannot fit every filament spool in the world due to its construction. First can be remedied with a separate webcam in your LAN, second with printed adaptors, alternative spools or just some squishy material (if the spool’s too big). I found that spools from dasfilament and recent ones from sunlu fit ok.