What are your favorite prints when you have too little filament left on a spool for anything interesting and you just need to finish it off?
The garbage bin…I’m not wasting storage space keeping a few grams of material, nor am I wasting time on useless models that I’ll eventually throw out anyway.
You don’t make shivs out of the excess? I feel so confused.
I have plenty excess shivs already, I’m trying not to and up a hoarder.
Thanks for clearing that up.
AKA Last meters! I have a collection on Printables just for last meters projects. Here’s a contest that Printables ran. https://www.printables.com/contest/70-last-meters
This one is my favorite. I print a bunch and give them away at the office. https://www.printables.com/model/59453-bookmark-basic
My favorite spool clip https://www.printables.com/model/581033-grandmas-double-sided-filament-clip
Filament spool clips, small zip tie extrusion clips for various electronic bay updates
Yes, spool clips are great. This is my fav https://www.printables.com/model/581033-grandmas-double-sided-filament-clip
Simple - I don’t worry about it at all, I just load up a second spool of compatible material and let the printer switch when the first spool runs out (X1C with AMS).
Depends on lots of things, but I’ll either feed it through in real time to an ongoing print until it gets in the boden tube, or for my direct drive, it’s got it’s own run out sensor so I’ll use it there and just join it up.
I mostly print stuff for DnD and wargaming, so I just run off a few 25mm bases - I can always use them!
If it’s a one off filament that I don’t have more of and don’t plan to restock, I just use it for bed leveling tests and the like, or on prototype prints that can have multiple filaments. For ones that I have more of, I just keep an eye on the printer when it’s running low, and shove the new filament in as the old one runs out. I don’t even bother with a runout sensor or pausing the print, I just let the old one fuse with the new inside the extruder and call it a day