A large McDonalds coke is 290 calories and 77 grams of sugar (153% DV). Even a small is 150 calories and 39 grams sugar (77% DV).
I get it, I don’t like my lifestyle being attacked either and I freely admit I consciously choose some unhealthy options in my life such as having a few drinks a week and eating fatty foods or cheesecakes now and then.
But please, if you are starting your day by slamming 70 grams of sugar in your face, please reconsider lol. It’s gonna give you diabetes and ain’t no regular American can afford that.
That doesn’t even take into account what they add to the food itself 😟
Coke for breakfast, yuck
Edit: you can downvote all you want, I’m not wrong. If you’re drinking coke for breakfast, you’ve got issues, maybe negligent parents.
Trying not to be an ass with this info:
A large McDonalds coke is 290 calories and 77 grams of sugar (153% DV). Even a small is 150 calories and 39 grams sugar (77% DV).
I get it, I don’t like my lifestyle being attacked either and I freely admit I consciously choose some unhealthy options in my life such as having a few drinks a week and eating fatty foods or cheesecakes now and then.
But please, if you are starting your day by slamming 70 grams of sugar in your face, please reconsider lol. It’s gonna give you diabetes and ain’t no regular American can afford that.
That doesn’t even take into account what they add to the food itself 😟
Starbucks mocha cookie crumble frappuccino, grande size: https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/956/iced/nutrition
480 calories, 55g sugar.
2 cups of cap’n crunch crunchberries: https://www.capncrunch.com/products/cap-n-crunch-s-crunch-berries
340 calories, 34g sugar. Not including milk.
Just for comparison.
Thats ok, you can have something else.
Yeah gross. Everyone knows dr pepper is the breakfast sort drink.
That addiction’s real. Gotta take the edge off somehow
Seriously though, that sucks and it’s super sad
Same as coffee.
Pretty sure coffee isn’t made of high fructose corn syrup
Coffee is what people drink for breakfast. If you’re drinking coke for breakfast, you probably had negligent parents.
Oh yeah, they were the worst. You have no idea.