She ain’t gold digger. She’s freaking alchemist.
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But howd… whyhh… whaaa?
I mean, she helped him reach his potential, she put the work in. As long she stayed loyal, I’d say she’s the best kind of gold digger.
That there is a gold investor
Gold gardener, buried it and watered it until it turned into a gold tree.
>be me
>be reading greentext
>have secondhand existential crisis
>feelsbadman.heifSame dud
My wife tracked me down eighteen years after we went to school together from second to fourth grade. She always liked me a lot (not really sure why). But yeah, she is the chillest most down to earth person and I’m glad she went through the effort.
Second to fourth grade you must have done something right to draw her back in EIGHTEEN YEARS later. holy cow I’m jealous of a second to fourth grader
Hey, I pulled off something similar. She let me read her diary so I know it wasn’t bullshit.
In the last couple years after a decade of sharing a life I caught her cheating multiple times and I gave up and rolled out.
I must not have been near as rad as she thought I was.
Don’t pity me though. Life is good now. Even if it all falls apart on me again with this one, it’s been a wonderful experience.
That’s the way it goes. If we all hit the lottery, money wouldn’t be worth shit. I take what I have when I have it with a smile on my face. I have a nervous breakdown when I lose it all and I start again. What else can you do?
Some women look at a man and think:
…I can fix that…
Though they’re more likely to think:
Oh please… I’m not a miracle worker
One of my wife’s high school teachers said to marry a nerd. My wife didn’t mention it to me until after we were married, so at first I was kind of offended. But then again, I still feel like my wife is out of my league, so I suppose I should go and thank that teacher.
She’s a keeper. Not that you ever had a say, but still…
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News just in: Anon wrote the Electron app you despise.