The achievement, announced in an official blog post, indicates a potential shift in the American messaging landscape, where WhatsApp has steadily gained ground despite the longstanding popularity of Apple’s iMessage. The Meta-owned messaging app is extremely popular in Europe owing to its cross-platform compatibility.
Disgusting. How was the merger of Facebook and Whatsapp allowed in the first place is beyond me. FB Messenger and WhatsApp are the most popular messenger services in the western world and are coming from the same company. The illusion of choice.
The Meta-owned messaging app is extremely popular in Europe owing to its cross-platform compatibility.
There you have it. If iMessages was cross platform, people would use it, but it doesn’t, so people will pivot for the second best thing.
Also, Northamerica SMS roots are deep, deeper than Europe, Asia and Latinamerica. Disgusting or not, the people already made its choice: $1 a year was too much.
I did pay $1 shortly before they were bought by Facebook. But then everyone already had WhatsApp and didn’t want to change. I use Signal as often as possible but non tech savvy people are impossible to persuade to switch.
I agree. Similar to all the anti-competitive lawsuits Apple has to deal with regarding the App Store because they’re clinging to every last dollar they can squeeze out of it, their iMessage approach seems to be going a similar way.
I’m sure tons of people are buying iPhones because of iMessage, but it looks like that might be slowly eroding away. In the end, they’ll have lost both their relevance in the messaging area and a strong reason for people to buy iPhones. They should’ve just made an Android app for iMessage.
The only reason I have whatsapp is because my neighborhood group chat uses it. I wish everyone moved to Signal.
I can’t believe how hard Nextdoor royally fucked up their ability to be communication for a local block.
My “neighborhood” feed is basically rage posts from senior citizens across my 1.6 million person county. I never ever see posts or comments from the people within my 2 to 4 block radius.
Yeah to be fair my neighborhood’s whatsapp group is still better than nextdoor because it really is contained to the neighborhood only, and so far no karens. Chats are mostly about people giving away extra food, reporting pets that have gotten loose and seen roaming around, and my favorite: everyone united on complaining about the HOA and working together to get those brought up to the board.