She also made $29,000,000 in 2022 for herself, cause she worked so hard and made so many cars herself. Ha
Stock buybacks need to be made illegal again. I don’t understand how it’s anything other than market manipulation.
Ronald Regan really fucked this nation over. . .
He’s was the first paid actor, just a puppet so the people in control can remain unknown. Skull and bones secret society was/is a real thing.
It’s not a secret, we know who the billionaires are that are funding this madness, but the only people that could put a stop to it, are the ones benefiting from them.
Nixon never should have been pardoned
Shareholder primacy was from the Henry Ford days.
It’s very obviously is. Stock buybacks aren’t allowed almost anywhere else in the world for a reason. It just leads to terrible behavior. This coupled with insanely low effective corporate tax rates means companies horde capital and do buybacks instead of doing other activities that are more economically beneficial to the country. Like increasing worker pay…
I agree. They need to do a reverse split if they want to change the shares in circulation.
The idea was a company could show faith by buying their own stock. Now ceo pay is tied to factors associated with the stock that can be manipulated by buying it back.
The IBM bro Ginny made millions while the company shrunk by manipulating the stock.
I don’t care what a ceo makes. I do care what they do. If they’re only focusing on themselves, I care.
Keep these CEO memes coming. These assholes need to have a spotlight shown on them. A company is not a person, a company is ran by people.
They’re laughing all the way to the bank. The have not one care for what you or I think of them
Just replace ceos with AI lol
I approve of this series of memes. Please continue.
But…but it’s politics! Surely politics must always be 50/50 divisive, and not be based around universal assmunchers that any sane person should agree is an asshole?
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They could’ve paid for all of the UAW’s asks and then some with just that but it’s less about the money and more about trying to look strong. The reality is they are nothing without their workers, no company is.
Just like how the losses the entertainment industry has suffered due to the writers and actors strike could have paid for their demands 10 times over. This is 100% about stripping the power from workers and keeping the power in the C suite.
Gotta keep them (us) peons in their (our) place!
How cool would sleeper cells of anti-capitalist assistants, cooks, personal trainers, etc be lol. These people should be living like Putin afraid everyone is planning to take them out. Take the joy from their lives if that’s all you can take.
You dont talk about Fight Club.
Put laws on the books and hold people accountable. That’s what laws are supposed to do.
I’m loving all these billionaire memes, call them tf out
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