I cannot possibly engage in any discussion until I clean this entire area, I’m crying rn. Make it stop make it stop
It’s ok man, is clean now. I posted about it in a comment somewhere :-) just a joke.
Admit it, you just want to fuck your sister.
I just wish I had a sister. I’m so tired of being gay incest with my brothers
Fuck K-cups and all their equivalents.
I tried but it’s too hot, and the hole the needle made was too big
I grind my own coffee every morning for pour-over, with my digital kettle that heats the water precisely, and I use a timer to pace the brew for optimal flavor. You may think this is excessive effort but let ms assure you it is worth it! Nothing can beat the flavor of lightly roasted single origin pure robusta coffee.
I sometimes make a cup of warm water that I add instant decaf coffee to. We’re like twins
Triplets. I hate coffee. Its vile and disgusting.
Dark roasted for me, but freshly grinded and brewed with a Moccamaster, the best filter coffee machine in the world. I prefer Corazon beans. Plain and simple, black filter coffee, but made with perfection from amazing beans.
Corazon are arabica 🤮
Brother and/or sister, you do you. I’m sure it’s delicious, but I don’t even like to retie my shoes, lmao
Man you really got me, til I saw this shitpost community. Still make mine with a percolator or espresso lavazza bean is good
I’ve never tried a percolator, but I hear mixed reviews. Probably because I hear things from both hipsters and hobos.
it is hit or miss, depends if you like a strong cup. Also takes a few tries to get the water to grounds ratio until it makes one you like. Or if it doesn’t auto stop you gotta keep an eye on how dark it gets
I’m not familiar enough with them to know: are there different, like, styles of percolators? Different in functional ways?
e: I guess you answered that with your ‘auto stop’ statement, now that I think about it.
The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup!
Neil Cicierega is amazing
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I have a grinder and get the Costco brand French roast beans they are good
I don’t think I even have a Costco nearby. Probably the closest thing is a Sam’s Club about 40 miles away.
More importantly, do you have a fucking dumpster near your house?
Death Wish is my favorite, but I almost never have it.
Bronson is an amazing actor. Great choice 👍
My favorite is Cafe Special flavor of Community. I’ve tried other brands and they just don’t hit the same.
Never heard of Community. I’m gonna look em up.
Dude, tidy up