Parts of the Internet now only searchable on specific sites now? What next - charging a monthly subscription to use Google?
This needs to be regulated before the Internet becomes like streaming TV.
These two shitty companies deserve each other.
Excellent! Now I won’t get reddit results and then have to filter them out!
Sounds great to me. With reddit gone maybe we can start to find what we are looking for without having to go sort through reddit.
Thank you Lemmy, for making it so much easier to walk away from that dumpster fire!
This seems illegal to me 😮
Alright then. The 3rd party app drama already pushed me here. I really won’t go back for anything if I’m not allowed to search for Reddit anymore.
Is Google really permitted to prevent any other search engine from looking at Reddit?
I guess Reddit is permitted to only let Google index it
Are they though?
I don’t know of any law that says that they can’t.
I also don’t know if a law that says search engines have to honor a robots.txt file. I guess we will see what happens if Bing or some other service decides to ignore it.
You can just require a log in to view content, or just flat out auto ban indexing robots.
works fine from DDG for me.This shouldn’t be allowed
Well that’s annoying. One work around is to use a redirect extension like Libredirect and you can still search via the !reddit bang on DuckDuckGo. Thusly if I type into my search bar which has DuckDuckGo as default:
!reddit some new post or topic
, it will search reddit for the search term, then when it attempts to load the reddit page, the libredirect extension will redirect and show the results.Requires a bit of configuring and sure is annoying, but hey, no Google search necessary to get the up to date reddit threads.
And Brave Search