Pepper by Butthole Surfers
Here’s the album art for Electriclarryland. I made the mistake of clicking on wiki article that inspired it. Wouldn’t recommend.
Good night everyone!
Really? Why? Too much radio play in the 90s?
I’m guessing it’s a reference to the album art, which is a picture of a guy with a pencil in his ears.
Specifically this:
(Violence and SA warning)
Well that makes sense lol. Right over my head.
Anything by fucking Imagine Dragons. More like imagine dragging myself behind my Cadillac for 6 blocks, it’d be more pleasant
Baby shark
What’s funny is that when you hear it for the thousandth time it’s like a cheat code and you become immune to it.
Yep, kids made me immune to kid songs
“Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye.
Was played seemingly every hour back when I worked retail. Both in the store I worked in and many others. So incredibly overplayed.
2nd place would be any of Queen’s absurdly overplayed songs. I don’t even hear them as music anymore; they’re just annoying noise.
The Nickelback catalog. Most of Creed’s too.
Physical cringe when I hear, “I like your pants around your feet”. Gives the shivers lol.
Roar by Katy Perry
deleted by creator
Don’t speak
Really? Sad I was just thinking the other day when I heard them on Spotify how great their tragic kingdom album was
Whatever Ireland did this Eurovision
Take me to church
Yes, such a cheese-fest of a song. Can’t help but jokingly sing along with it in the most obnoxious voice possible when it’s on.
I did the same for Gotye - Somebody that I used to know. I thought it was such a frustratingly terrible song, I couldn’t help but mock it when it came on. I genuinely thought I was living in a world full of people lying when I’d be at a party and others would say they loved it. For like 2 years I was just like “you’re kidding right?”
Same here with that song too, I come up with something random at the “didn’t have to…” part and belt out something equally cheesy
Kimbra is a fantastic artist and the song exists only as a vehicle for her voice.
I can’t stand his voice in any song. I turn off my radio when he comes on.
Knocking on heavens door - guns n roses
What, you don’t enjoy a bunch of sleepy whiny junkies self-indulgently wailing through a three chord Bob Dylan cover for 15 minutes? Man, weren’t nineties arena rock great.
Rap songs where the artist just blurts out random words.
Boom boom pow Boom boom pow
Kool Keith?
The Minion rendition of Happy by Pharell Williams. I dare not even look it up for fear I might have to hear it again.
Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no
Dance Monkey by Tones and I
The national anthem