In case of renaming multiple file extensions to another, they suggested to type this command in cmd promt or powershell: ren *.(current extension name) *.(new extension name)
But what about to renaming multiple file extensions to nil or no file extension? How to replace this command *.(new extension name) ?
PowerToys has a bunch of cool features, and a bulk rename utility is one of them.
Powershell can also do it if you feel like learning more about it. I don’t know about the command example you gave, and am away from my PC so I can’t test it, but using pipes in powershell something like this might work:
ls [[insert wildcard here e.g. *.txt]] | % { mv $_ [System.IO.Path]::GetFilenameWithoutExtension($_.Name) }
Just remove the double brackets and put whatever your filter was. The results of which get passed into
which each in turn into the code block as
. So for every result of thels
command, it runsmv
(move/rename).PowerToys is the way.
There’s an application called Ant Renamer. It’s free and I’m pretty sure it’s FOSS. Ant Renamer will let you batch rename files and even change extensions.
That said, I’m unsure why you’d want to do this with multiple file extensions, but to each his own…
OP wants to rename some files not ants. Please read the post before responding thanks. I’m sure Ant Renamer’s great for entomological scenarios but this is a computer thing.
That’s fair and entirely on me. Just want these danged ants renames already!
This would be a great question for chatGPT.
To rename multiple file extensions to have no file extension, you can use a wildcard character to match all files with the current extension and then replace it with nothing (an empty string). Here’s the command you can use in Command Prompt or PowerShell:
For Command Prompt:
ren *.(current extension name) *.
For PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem *.(current extension name) | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace ‘.(current extension name)$’, ‘’ }
Replace “(current extension name)” with the actual extension you want to remove, and this command will remove the extension from all matching files
Idk if it’s accurate but that was it’s response to OPs input
I’m not a cmd prompt expert, but does
ren *.(current extension name) *
To test it, make a new directory and create 2 files there with the same extension. Then, run that code in that directory and check the result.
not working
The cmd route should work. Done it many times doing like .mp4 to .m4b. You go I to cmd (command). Type the following: cd “FILE-PATH” (without quotations). Hit enter. Then type: ren *.file-type *.file-type Example would look like: ren *.jpg *.PNG This woukd be renamed the files all from jpg to png
Total Commander. It has batch renaming with all the parameters you want.
Have you looked into bulk rename utility?
- Set up WSL
- for file in * ; do mv “$file” $(basename “$file”) ; done
Edit: the other commenter is right, I fucked up the usage of basename.
No, that doesn’t work, you have to pass the suffix you want to remove to
:$ touch test.txt $ basename test.txt test.txt $ basename test.txt .txt test