I want my self hosted things to use https. For example, I have Jellyfin installed via docker, and I want it to use https instead of http.

I don’t care about necessarily doing this the “right” way, as I won’t be making Jellyfin or any other service public, and will only be using it on my local network.

What is the easiest way to do this? Assume everything I host is in docker. Also a link to a tutorial would be great.


  • hperrin@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    The easiest way to do it is to do it the right way with LetsEncrypt. The hardest way to do it is the wrong way, where you create your own CA, import it as a root CA into all of the machines you’ll be accessing your servers from, then create and sign your own certs using your CA to use in your servers.

    • TCB13@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Yes, LetsEncrypt with DNS-01 challenge is the easiest way to go. Be it a single wildcard for all hosts or not.

      Running a CA is cool however, just be aware of the risks involved with running your own CA.

      You’re adding a root certificate to your systems that will effectively accept any certificate issued with your CA’s key. If your PK gets stolen somehow and you don’t notice it, someone might be issuing certificates that are valid for those machines. Also real CA’s also have ways to revoke certificates that are checked by browsers (OCSP and CRLs), they may employ other techniques such as cross signing and chains of trust. All those make it so a compromised certificate is revoked and not trusted by anyone after the fact.