Then you got to go to church if you want to stay out of hell. God just fucking hates us.
God is a capitalist
I would have said god is a fascist. There’s a real “do what I’ve decided is best for you, or there will be hell to pay” (pun intended) vibe throughout his interactions with humanity.
But he does always seem to need money, so maybe you have a point.
Sometimes they’re not that far apart.
Yeah, the fascists currently in control of the GOP are very much capitalists too, for example.
Why not both?
(Couldn’t coun a proper portmanteu)
Smoke meth: hail Satan: raise hell: and praise Dale 🤘
Smoke grass, eat ass, and get out of the left lane to let others pass!
I wish my industry had unions lol
Start talking to your coworkers!
Even if you don’t convince your workplace to unionize, you’re laying the groundwork for the next person who tries.
That’s true, but it’s easier said than done. As someone who already experienced job loss once this year, I’m not looking to go through with it again. I have to look out for myself and my family first, unfortunately.
you can always have it in the back of your head and prepare for a future optimised rollout / means to be anonymous
Can someone link actual facts of this info so I can argue it with my boomer family that doesn’t get it?
A workday was also like 4 hours or less in biblical times though.
The idea that people in the past worked long, grueling hours due to lack of technology is a myth. People had way more free time in those days.
Did I miss an internet? What’s with all the Dale memes lately?
For Dale it is done.
God doesn’t exist.
And in a few more decades neither will unions. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad.
Wait how do you know?
Somehow the reddit athiest gang is even worse here lol
The only thing that communists hate more than the West is the idea that people can obey a higher power than the state. Is it really much of a shock?
It is not a shock whatsoever. Religion isn’t called the Opiods of the masses because it serves no purpose. Surgery before Opiod derived medicines was insanely painful, and Opoids completely changed that and revolutionized surgical practices. While at the same time destroying countless lifes due to its addictive qualities. The analogy isnt dismissing the power of Religion or God. More so contextualizing its place in society and trying to find a healthy relationship in stead of a toxic one.
You are saying most people on this site are communists?
Can you and the tankies just have a cage match on another instance the rest of us can defederate from? Pretty please?
I like the facts, but know nothing about Dale Earnhardt. Was he not a typical Republican?
Dale Sr. never really spoke about politics one way or the other, but it’s worth noting that his son is an open progressive in an industry that appeals almost entirely to the Conservative crowd. Is there any reason in particular you think Dale Earnhardt was a typical republican?
Edit: after a little more research it seems that Dale was probably a traditional Southern conservative but not what we would call today as a MAGA conservative. An excerpt from this article reads:
Dale’s daughter Kelley recalled an incident that occurred in her childhood, when her father placed a bumper sticker reading “American By Birth / Southern By The Grace Of God” on the rear of his truck. The family’s black housekeeper mentioned that the sticker, which featured the Confederate flag, made her uncomfortable. Dale immediately took a pen knife and slashed the flag off his truck, leaving the expression of Southern pride while divorcing it from the region’s sour history.
Yeah, seconded. He’s in a business surrounded by right wingers and right wing fans. It would be highly unlikely that he didn’t lean hard right, but sometimes these guys surprise you. Like Garth Brooks being a super-popular country singer back in the day but being very liberal - of course that political stance wasn’t talked about at all during the height of his fame.
News to me. I don’t know anything about Brooks beyond that he sounds like every other country music guy, so I definitely just painted him with the same brush as what I know about the rest.
More like every other country singer sounds like Garth Brooks. Hugely influential musician
The Intimidator and his 'stache are quite right here
Didn’t this dude work every Sunday?
Love ya
I thank Pope Gregory XIII who introduced calendar according to which today is Friday.
And god put the weekend on saturday
So, you can still thank god it’s friday
(Also Henry Ford, not the unions, made the 5 day work week)
👌👍 comrade
For real, this is some boomer tier material right here.
Yeah but team sports and all, they’ll still pretend it’s great. There’s a ton of braindead leftist crap on this site.