63.3K commits from 1K+ contributors and still pre-alpha, it’s amazing what a nightmare web browsers have become!
It’s the one with a dev that thinks that replacing “he” by “they” is political propaganda?
Yeah, no thanks.
Can you provide some context?
This Mastodon post discusses it and has links to the PRs: https://ruby.social/@denis/112718132053579597
This one for SerenityOS shows Kling’s response to a very minor and neutral change.
Maybe I’m dumb, but I completely do not understand what the dev did to upset people.
I read the thread and I’m confused about it.
People get upset over anything tbh
for someone who can speak a language that lacks gendered pronouns, this “hysteria” over he/she/they is ridiculous!
Well on the contrary you should understand it more. A gendered pronoun carries an idea of gender, and having a genderless pronoun frees the sentence of this gender assumption. Nothing very hard to understand.
that’s what i thought i meant but thanks for the lesson I’ve never needed
even your comment is, for me, coming from that ridiculous tension
Thanks for the heads up. Not worth the time
Chill. Read the cited sources. It’s someone asking the community to not use the github forum for discussing the completely irrelevant topic. It’s not a fucking open forum it’s for developers to use as a resource. I don’t care if the person was giving out a $1,000,000 to anyone that commented, find an appropriate place to post your comments. I saw nothing against the topic itself but a bunch of angry responses. I mean if you read and are like na fuck that dude than 100% that’s your take but that’s the thing, its YOUR take. I hate seeing people so quick to draw the fuck this or fuck that card from absolutely zero rhetoric than what an anonymous internet comment said.
Treating social media as social media makes sense. If you don’t want your issue tracker to turn out like this, then stop using the social media code forge.
What the fuck have to do one thing with another. You people are so fucked up . You make drama from anything imaginable
Kling is the one “making drama”
Based Andreas KING
Do you think there are no assholes working for google or mozilla? Assholes are everywhere. And fuck cancel culture.
Edit: I stand by what I said, you can downvote me all you want. It doesn’t matter to me one bit.
Cancel culture, this far-right myth that fascists love so much. You forgot to continue and talk about freedom of speech and how you are a centrist.
Where is the anti pronoun shit though? I’ve only seen one cited link and it was asking not to use the forum for discussing irrelevant topics. Github forums are resources used by all levels of developers for finding answers for issues with open source no instruction manual software development. Nothing i saw was anti-gender or pronoun anything (didt read thru the responding comments from users but why would they reflect on the person in question? Am I missing something beyond what op commented without providing any rhyme, reason or resource for?
Edit: now I’m even more confused after reading a second commenter’s link that shows they made the requested edit.
people can have different views. you might not like them but it’s their views, not yours
I don’t like bigotry
yeah but does that affect the browser development process significantly?
there are people with differing views in this world and you need to accept that if you want to actually achieve things
I’m not saying i agree with him bc I don’t, but I wouldn’t base my opinion on the project on the small grievance i have with one dev’s opinions.
I don’t need to accept bigotry. I can just use a different browser.
have fun with google spyware ig when they finally do something like web environment integrity
people can have different views. you might not like them but it’s their views, not yours
Yes, they can. And I can also view their views with disdain… or even horror and choose not to support their efforts, whatever they may be.
What you are really saying here is that you to some degree don’t disagree with Kling and so it’s this particular view you find acceptable to let pass. If it were something like “people should be fine eating small children” you might react differently.
What you are really saying here is that you to some degree don’t disagree with Kling
ok lmao ctrl f my history for “they”
You don’t disagree with Kling enough to object. This is clearly demonstrated here.
Edit: Let me a little more clear. Kling is the one bringing politics into it. The change was simple (one word!) and technically correct. It would be like if I said “I want our new logo to be red” and you said “don’t bring politics into it” when really I just like tomatoes and sunsets.
Independent but then their coms are purely proprietary, US-based sludge. If you think folks should be contributing to your project, you should be using technology where you can where you & your contributors can patch & make better too. There is no good reason to be limited to only Microsoft Github & Discord.
Don’t get it wrong: I have followed for years & want the project to succeed, but this reliance on corporations & not giving your users a private option where they can control their data needs to stop. Normies have ignorance excuse but software makers do not as they generally know better about how these tech firms operate.
At least might help compete with Firefox to improve Foss browsers.
That could be great! Alternative to firefox!
Languages: C++
Yeah, hard pass on looking at that code base.
deleted by creator
I’m not criticizing the choice of C++. I just don’t want to look at the code because I don’t personally like the language.