Frankly I don’t even trust the ‘liberal’ justices to get this right. There is absolutely no reason for nine lawyers with no medical background to make a ruling that will impact the availability of life-saving medical treatments for one of our most vulnerable populations.
I’ve got an idea, let women do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies, and stop being so creepy about the genders of our children. This shit is nobody’s business.
Of course there’s a reason? Legislation was passed (the real problem here) and the entire point of the court is to evaluate legislation against our constitution. I agree with every single statement in your last paragraph, but you have to point the blame at the correct place. SCOTUS taking this up is completely legitimate and falls entirely within their role in our government.
The state legislators are infringing on private citizens and their medical care. That’s the crime here. Even then, it’s important to understand that nothing is off limits to legislators. Even our core rights can be changed by a supermajority in the national congress. Power decides what rights get protected in a society. That’s been the recurrent tale of history for all time. We are beyond fortunate to have a sliver of that power and we are failing to use it to stomp these legislators into the dust. That’s the crime here, not SCOTUS taking up a case that falls entirely under its jurisdiction and mandate.
The problem comes in when this is exactly what the Republican Party has planned to exploit. They withheld the vote on obama’s nominee in order to get a Republican to install them. They also enacted project redmap before then, during obama’s first term, where they successfully took control of state houses and smaller offices throughout the country. And they fucked the maps to keep power. And all of that led to a right-stacked court that will lie to get the seat, take bribes when sitting in that seat, and then continually tow the party line with all of their insane fearmongering. They opened the door for abortion to be made illegal by the states they stacked in their favor and then changed the local laws to harm people.
You’re right, this is technically the way it’s supposed to work, but it doesn’t work anymore. Because there are no means of truly dealing with people exploiting the system and breaking it for their own gain except for toothless censures and other symbolic votes. And when those same broken systems made companies all the more powerful, they birthed FOX and MSNBC and made voting, not only really hard for specifically targeted communities that would act as a check on this type of shit, but also made it useless for the other people. Because they’re only doing exactly what the right wing mediasphere wants them to do.
They withheld the vote on obama’s nominee in order to get a Republican to install them.
Yup, because they had control of the Senate. They were voted in. I’m not denying that Republicans are immoral, unethical scumbags with the intent to power game the system, but we have no tools to fix that in our current system other than overwhelming it. It only gets worse the longer we wait.
There really aren’t a lot of other options for the citizenry. You can LARP at revolution or whatever, but I’m not volunteering first and I don’t see a lot of others doing so either. I, and a lot of other vulnerable people, are not going to come out on top, so I’ll pass on that solution.
Fact of the matter is, we could have elected Hillary in 2016. Sure, there was Republican meddling and Comey and yada yada, but it was fully within our abilities and we failed. The Supreme Court would look entirely different right now and we would still have medical rights. We did flip the senate, so it was fully in play before and then Mitch would not have been able to block the Garland appointment. Those are concrete outcomes from something that was fully possible for us to prevent. So I’m just not comfortable writing off voting as worthless at this stage, even with the acknowledged difficulties, gerrymandering, etc.
I wasn’t arguing for not voting. I was just making a point. Should’ve made that clearer, my b
All good, friend. I just think this is possible for us to defeat, even at the ballot box. The American people are powerful when they decide to wield their votes for the actual, true betterment of the country and our democracy. I really think we can do this, together.
Perhaps republicans would choose a more moderate candidate if they didn’t have both hands shackled to the two party system via First Past The Post voting.
Very good points, thanks for the correction. My blind rage got in the way…
No worries! I’m full of rage on all this nonsense lately too and I’ve been in that same mode. I’m happy to join with you in November and in the meantime to start to fix this nonsense!
Without the courts, the law stands. The Supreme Court is not the problem here. The Republican legislature is. The Supreme Court is supposed to be a check on the legislature; and their failure to do that is a problem.
Also, this case is not about women’s rights, it is about trans rights. Trans men are impacted too.
Their failure to do that is by design.
Every time the illegitimate SCOTUS takes away more rights from the normal people, I look at my conservative neighbors and recognize my enemy. Conservatives surround us and celebrate the pain, misery and death they cause. Yet, we treat them with kindness and professionalism as if conservatism is some legitimate world-view that deserves any amount of respect.
Conservatism is not normal. It is not respectable. Conservatives are a hate-group and should be openly identified and treated as such.
There has never been a peaceful resolution for fascism. To address a deadly infestation of conservatives, one must take action. We must all take action, or we can expect to be oppressed, tortured and murdered for generations to come.
This is not like WWII. There will be no outside force to save us. We must do this ourselves and we must do it immediately, before they achieve their permanent win condition.
Shouldn’t your enemy be the 1% that is funding the propaganda networks for both Republicans and democrats?
We cannot defeat the bosses until we defeat their minions.
What action are you trying to imply, exactly?
Sounds like a divisive call for violence and civil war, the exact sort of shit the nuttier conservatives play up when talking about liberals. You aren’t even advocating attacking the definite bad actors in positions of power, you are advocating attacking neighbors.
This even works as the exact sort of propaganda foreign state adversaries would use to stir up unrest to keep the US frozen from the inside, in to reduce our impact on potential global conflicts, ie Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, etc.
When all you see are enemies, you’ve embraced the very hate you think you are standing against.
We know what they’ll rule.
And then there will be a spike in the teen suicide rate.
“What about the children?”
Drives kids to suicide
Conservatism is a cancer
It’s okay if those sort of kids die. They are an abomination unto the lord, after all. And if you kill yourself, you go to hell so bonus!
Does Roberts just forward what the Vatican sends him or is it more of a group effort?
since this country has such a long evil and stupid history there are probably more documents you could pull out against this, rather than just being normal and evaluating the law on ‘does it seem normal or moral to ban this’ like a human fucking being would. almost like ConStITuTUiOnALiTy is a dumb fucking way validate the law.
oh and what, at least half of these guys are outlandishly corrupt but still get to sit there?
just send out little ballots in the mail for every case instead of relying on these scum, jesus.
rather than just being normal and evaluating the law on ‘does it seem normal or moral to ban this’
This is the job of the legislature. To make law based on norms and morals, as well as a dozen other factors.
almost like ConStITuTUiOnALiTy is a dumb fucking way validate the law
The job of the judiciary is to rule based on what the various laws say, which obviously includes the Constitution.
Do you really want the judiciary ignoring the law and legislating from the bench? Remember, your preferred group isn’t the one in the majority.
oh well that seems like such an elegant system, thank god it’s working so well. let’s keep defending it.
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