Yes, Reddit, notable for being the first social media where people recycled content
Yes, Reddit, notable for being the first social media where people recycled content
Even without the “don’t dead open inside” thing going on, that’s an unhinged thing to put on your wall
How are you taking this seriously?
ADHD here too, and I had to read it 4 times to notice anything wrong. I thought the troll was that there wasn’t anything wrong
It took me longer than I care to admit to figure out that this was referencing checkers instead of chess
I saw signs like this all over Japan; I laughed at every one
English is three other languages in a trench coat
My fucking Governor is in on it
Probably one of those old arcade games, allegedly some were not designed to be possible to beat
What did the camel do to deserve this?
How to make a small fortune in social media:
Step 1: invest a large fortune into social media
Maybe a good lesson from the Indians, find a way to use as much as possible from your prey
Because it’s made of people
That’s right.
While the video is a good summary of the framing of the book (the selectorate theory of politics), I still recommend reading the book if you find the topic interesting. They go into a bunch of case studies on how you can apply the framing in wildly different circumstances, and make a very compelling case for how increasing the numbers of participants in a system improves the outcomes for everyone involved.
This video, and the book it’s based on, unironically started my transition from neoliberal to democratic socialist.
Which I think is funny, because I don’t think the authors, Bruce Bueno De Mesquita and Alistair Smith, are particularly leftist.
Fair enough
My only real complaint is that “have an ai do it” isn’t a great suggestion though; an ai wil have the same bias as whoever developed it.
I bought a framework recently. Its not perfect, but I’ve been quite happy with it.
To be clear, that only removes (or attempts to remove) refusals; it doesn’t add in training data that it doesn’t have. Ask it about tiennemen square, for example.