I’m wondering about that little appendage that’s coming out, what’s that and what’s it doing? Seems to be going away from the light. I tried to google but most result for my searches were just offers to buy a new cactus
Aerial roots. Your cactus might think it’s not getting enough sunlight:
edit: maybe->may be
Awesome find!
You may [be] the expert diagnostician we were looking for, the cactus horticulturist!
Thanks! Damn, that’s already the sunniest spot in my room / flat.
Looks like it is showing some etoiliation on the new bud. It has to bud to continue to grow as it was cut of when planted. Aerial root may mean that it is root bound in that pot.
Larger pot with the correct soil for dragon fruit, more sun.
It’s going on a sidequest.
The cactus looks like a dragonfruit cactus. The white string-like root is used by the plant to climb. By itself it’s harmless.
I think you had a baby.
What species or type of cacti is it?
Did you change when you water, move locations, or anything that may have an impact on its health?
Not too sure either, but the more info the better.
Then more research to be done, so as to figure possible conditions ot causes!
We need House M.D., an expert diagnostician… but in this case a cactus doctor, cactus horticulturist.
I have no idea, bought it because the fruit / flower looked interesting. It’s probably a dragon fruit, judging from the other comments, the fruit looked similar. It came in this pot and I water when I notice that the earth is dry
It’s a dragonfruit. For reference, it’s not like a standard cactus. Treat it more like a tropical plant. During the warmer months, they like to be watered frequently. In the winter, you might need to water it once or twice a month.
Thanks! I was wondering why it so readily drank up all the water I gave it, my aloe didn’t like that much water.
Looks like you got a dud. Full disclosure: I know nothing about gardening or cactuses