I got into lucid dreaming and one of the peaks was when I could finally taste dream food.
I was at a dream New Year’s party and there were cupcakes and I usually try to eat dream food but it messes with my dream and I usually wake up.
But that time I ate a cupcake and it was like the best cupcake I ever had. I was ecstatic
It was pretty cool.
Beans and bread exclusively sounds like a promising Malnutrition speed run any% attempt.
Nah, beans are crazy nutritious
But do not include all the nutrients your body needs for a long and healthy life.
There sure are worse options than beans though.
I want you,
I need you,
But there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna live on you,
Now don’t be sad, ^don’t ^be ^sad
No, cause 19 of 20 ain’t bad.
They don’t? Are you sure?
I feel like beans are one of the few foods that do include all the nutrients you need.
It’s like them and quinoa.
They don’t contain one of the 20 essential amino acids. Namely methionine. Nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains contain it though, so you can pair beans with your favorite one of those to have a complete protein.
No but rice contains the rest.
Interesting, what does rice have that beans don’t?
I’ve always understood beans to be one of the very few foods that include everything.
Fat, protein, carbs, all the vitamins
Essential amino acids, I believe. That’s why the rice is key, it has those the beans are lacking.
Ah, you’re right.
Wow, so quinoa is the remaining champion.
So long, beans. Pretty close though.
Just buy a cheap vitamin-c supplement
For most people, your brain is probably pretty good at vividly imaging the sensation of licking different surfaces. Try it; focus an imagine licking a towel. Mmm. Fluffy!
But DO NOT imagine chewing on a towel
Anon eats holographic meatloaf
Plot Twist: posted by billionaire capitalist when someone asks for a raise.
The Tulpa-bros are at it again.
Why would anyone do that? Beans are great.
Ah, yes. The Rufio method.
Rufio is a great mid-2000s pop-punk band.
Work as a dishwasher for a restaurant. I have this ability already especially when all the cooks give me their food that they mainly mess up or I request.