The ‘killer’ died in prison, therefore and new incident must be a copycat by someone who happens to look a lot like him. That’s a brand new case. /s
The ‘killer’ died in prison, therefore and new incident must be a copycat by someone who happens to look a lot like him. That’s a brand new case. /s
I suspect that, for exactly that reason, they’ll just lock him up and try to forget about him.
Goats are actually malevolent vegetables.
A dinosaur skeleton in a spacesuit.
Put the side back on your case, and then you don’t have to look at it. ;)
It’s an old phrase, “lions lead by donkeys”, originally used to describe British soldiers being lead by incompetent generals, possibly during the Crimean war. The concept goes way further back though; apparently an Athenian general in the 4th century said (translated) “an army of deer commanded by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions commanded by a deer”.
It’s not the buyer saying “I owe you”, but the issuer of the currency (actually, usually just the notes, coins are considered to have value). The first person/entity to get the note gave, or promised, the issuer (usually the central bank) something of value, and the issuer gave them a token (note) saying the bank owes the holder of that note a certain amount of value. The recipient can then trade that note freely, as can future recipients, in the knowledge a vendor will accept it for its face value. So, yes, you’re trading debt when you use money, but it’s the bank’s debt to the holder, not the debt of the buyer.
Typically the bank issue money when someone takes a loan, i.e. promises that they will pay the bank the value of the loan plus interest.
Be careful, that much antihol in one go won’t just get you sober, it’ll send you right out the other side. Few can deal with that clear a view of reality.
Pre-ordering something would usually cause a $0.00 transaction to confirm the card details are valid. It would be a ‘pre-auth’ transaction where the merchant reserves an amount on the card for payment at a later date, when they ship the item. If a fraudster makes a pre-order they xan validate that the card details are valid, then cancel the order, usually leaving the victim none-the-wiser. In your case, the bank noticed the transaction and notified you, but that seems to be rare. Once the fraudster knows the details are valid, they can sell them on.
It’s just a theory, and unless your bank and Blizzard work together to track the transaction, why it happened, and who instigated it, its going to be difficult to get to the bottom of it.
Is there any chance your new card details got leaked from somewhere you used them? Using stolen details to sign up to something like that and, say, making a pre-order, would be a good way for a crook to validate them without a transaction appearing on your statement.
If it’s not that, then Blizzard definitely have some awkward questions to answer. Good luck!
Whilst it’s quite possible they’re up to no good, it’s also possible that someone is fraudulently using your payment details in Irvine to create a new Blizzard account. It sounds like your bank already blocked your card, which is good, but they may also be able to block payments to Blizzard when the card is unblocked.
Further research shows that they blew everything up trying to deal with the ancient, insatiable, worms they released on themselves out of curiosity. Upon reflection, it is probably better that we didn’t arrive earlier.
We’ve got to leave something interesting for the alien xeno-archaeologists of the future to uncover.
I initially read that last sentence as “Hope his prostate collapses sooner than later.” and honestly couldn’t find a reason to disagree.
Even if they were surveilance drones they’d still be real, as opposed to mass hallucinations beamed into our visual cortexes by satellites. Of course, they’re not actually surveilance drones, that’s just a conspiracy theory started by the CIA to identify and monitor conspiracy ‘super-spreaders’ who can be used to spread whatever memetic trope the goverment of the day wants. No, really they genetically altered most plant species to act as resonant cavity bugging devices like The Great Seal. They monitor them with the same satellites they definately don’t use to beam out mass hallucinations.
/s of course, because, haha, that would just be silly, and I don’t want to be picked up and ‘reprogrammed’.
Oh birds are real. Very, very real. The question is, real whats?
Oof, yeah I could see how that could happen. I guess you really should know the kid before trying something like that. I usually find that making mine laugh is enough to start to reset them, and then helping them calm down is a lot easier. Also, a question like that is definitely for small kids, not those who can fling furniture.
I was told that one way to help a young child break out of a tantrum is to ask them an odd question, something like “What color shoes are you wearing?” It does seem to work sometimes, usually by annoying them so much that they forget what they were upset about in the first place. I can well see it working for someone who needs to get out of a mental spiral.
Isn’t one of the main issues with carbon-monoxide that hemoglobin preferentially binds with it over oxygen, and so it doesn’t get expelled from your bloodstream via your lungs? You can tolerate quite large doses with little more than a headache, so I doubt you could overdose from internally generated amounts, but a large enough dose dangerously reduces your blood’s oxygen carrying capacity.
It’s uncanny isn’t it, he’s such a copycat that he even copied the original shooter’s face!